Publications 2022-2025
Amaro, Raquel (2024). Health literacy and language teaching: data-based host language lexicons // Literacia em saúde e ensino de língua: léxicos de língua de acolhimento baseados em dados. Linha D’Água, 37(2), pp.136-160. e-ISSN 2236-4242.
Amaro, Raquel, coord.; Barbero, Chiara; Barbosa, Sílvia, eds., (2024). Caderno de exercícios. Ensinar com o dicionário: informações linguísticas e lexicográficas para ensino de Português. Lisboa: IILP; CLUNL.
Amaro, Raquel; Costa, Rute (2024). GUEST EDITORS’ INTRODUCTION: Humanities Going Digital: teaching, training and research experiences. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 18(1), pp.1-4. e-ISSN 1755-1706.
Barbero, Chiara; Amaro, Raquel (2024). Are We Talking about the Same Thing? Modeling Semantic Similarity between Common and Specialized Lexica in WordNet. Languages, 9(3), pp.1-19. ISSN 2226-471X.
Costa, Rute; Salgado, Ana (2024). The MORDigital lexicographic project: A new approach to digital dictionaries. Ela, 211(3), pp.315-333. ISSN 0071-190X.
Costa, Rute; Vezzani, Federica (2024). La connotation et la dénotation en terminologie. Présentation. Cahiers de lexicologie, 2(125), pp.11-17. ISBN 978-2-406-17958-0.
Costa, Rute; Vezzani, Federica, eds. (2024). Cahiers de lexicologie, 2(125) [La connotation et la dénotation en terminologie]. ISBN 978-2-406-17958-0.
Dechamps, Christina (2024). Le glossaire collaboratif en classe de Français Langue Étrangère: quels outils et compétences numériques pour un projet pédagogique réussi? Didactique du FLES, (3)1, pp.1-16. e-ISSN 2826-777X.
Di Nunzio, Giorgio Maria; Costa, Rute; Vezzani, Federica, eds. (2024). Languages, 9(3) [special issue: Terminology in the Digital World]. ISSN 2226-471X.
Di Nunzio, Giorgio Maria; Costa, Rute; Vezzani, Federica (2024). Introducing the Special Issue Terminology in the Digital World. Languages, 9(9) [special issue: Terminology in the Digital World], pp.1-4. ISSN 2226-471X.
Duarte Martins, Susana (2024). O mundo do trabalho: materiais didáticos para o desenvolvimento de cursos de português para fins específicos no domínio dos negócios. In: G. N. Forte, L. Y. Matsumoto, Camilla Wootton Villela, orgs., Sequências Didáticas do V Congresso Online de PLE do Grupo Sou Brasil. São Paulo: Editora GNF, vol. 2, pp. 348-359. ISBN 978-65-85152-04-4.
Khan, Anas Fahad; Salgado, Ana; McCrae, John; Liyange, Chamila; Rani, Priya; Costa, Rute; Anuradha, Isuri; Ojha, Atul Kr.; Frointini, Francesca (2024). Cultural HeritAge and Multilingual Understanding through lexiCal Archives (CHAMUÇA) Portuguese Borrowings in Contemporary Asian Languages. In: K. Š. Despot, A. O. Anić, I. Brač, eds., Lexicography and Semantics. Proceedings of the XXI EURALEX International Congress. Institut for the Croatian Language, pp.449-458. ISBN 978‐953‐7967‐77‐2.
Khan, Fahad; Salgado, Ana; Anuradha, Isuri; Costa, Rute; Liyange, Chamila; McCrae, John P.; Ojha, Atul Kr.; Rani, Priya; Frontini, Francesca (2024). CHAMUÇA: Towards a Linked Data Language Resource of Portuguese Borrowings in Asian Languages. In: C. Chiarcos et al., eds., The 9th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Resources, Applications, Best Practices (LDL-2024) @LREC-COLING-2024. ELRA Language Resource Association, pp.44-48. ISBN 978-2-493814-38-8.
Martins, Ana; Velez, Luís; Nunes, Isabel L.; Giordano, Ana Paula; Semedo, Helena; Vital, Clara; Silva, Raquel; Coelho, Pedro; Londral, Ana (2024). A conversational agent for enhanced Self-Management after cardiothoracic surgery. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 192, pp.1-8. ISSN 1872-8243.
Ramos, Margarida; Costa, Rute (2024). Applying Text Mining Methods to Construct a Domain Ontology from Definitions. Umanistica Digitale, 18, pp.103-143. ISSN 2532-8816.
Salgado, Ana (2024). Déterminologisation: dynamiques de connotation et de dénotation dans le Dictionnaire de l’Académie des Sciences de Lisbonne. Cahiers de lexicologie, 2(125), pp.157-180. ISBN 978-2-406-17958-0.
Salgado, Ana; Costa, Rute (2024). Enhancing Lexicographic Work with Terminological Methods. In: T. Margalitadze, ed., Proceedings of the I International Conference “Lexicography in the XXI century” (2023): Lexicography – by combining traditional methods and modern technologies. Tbilisi: Centre for Lexicography and Language Technologies, Ilia State University, pp.15-26.
Salgado, Ana et al. (2024). The Morais Dictionary: Following Best Practices in a Retro-digitized Dictionary Project. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 18(1), pp.125-147. e-ISSN 1755-1706.
Silva, Carolina; Quaresma, Cláudia; Silva, Raquel; Carvalho, Sara; Costa, Rute; Fernández, Miguel; Fonseca, Miguel; Pinto de Sousa, Andreia; Londral, Ana; Fonseca, Micaela (2024). Com@Rehab: An Interactive and Personalised Rehabilitation Activity Based on Virtual Reality. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies – HEALTHINF. SciTePress, pp.776-788. ISBN 978-989-758-688-0; ISSN 2184-4305.
Silva, Raquel; Carvalho, Sara (2024). A linguística em ação na melhoria do(s) letramento(s) em saúde [editorial]. Linha D’Água, 37(2), pp.1-8. e-ISSN 2236-4242.
Silva, Raquel; Carvalho, Sara, eds. (2024). Linha D’Água, 37(2) [thematic issue: Linguística e letramento(s) em saúde: cruzando perspectivas]. e-ISSN 2236-4242.
Vezzani, Federica; Costa, Rute (2024). Variation in psycopathological terminology. A case of study on Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Terminology 30(1), pp. 81-106. e-ISSN 1569-9994.
Vezzani, Federica; Costa, Rute (2024). The Role of the Referent in Terminology: Survey on the Perception of Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Roczniki Humanistyczne (‘Annals of Arts’), 72(8) [special issue: Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies], pp. 87-102. e-ISSN 2544-5200.
Vocásek, Tibor (2024). Who Is Awful? Black Mirror and the Dystopian Imaginary of AI Labor. Iluminace, 36(2), pp.79-106. e-ISSN 2570-9267.
Almeida, Bruno; Costa, Rute; Salgado, Ana; Ramos, Margarida; Romary, Laurent; Khan, Fahad; Carvalho, Sara; Khemakhem, Mohamed; Silva, Raquel; Tasovac, Toma (2023). Modelling Usage Information in a Legacy Dictionary: From TEI Lex-0 to Ontolex-Lemon. In: Y. Rochat, C. Métrailler, M. Piotrowski, eds., Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Methods in the Humanities 2022. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, Vol-3602, pp.5–21. ISSN 1613-0073.
Alvarenga, Natacha; Gomes, João; Soares, Ana; Almeida, Sara; Montero, Karen; Ramos, Margarida (2023). Cryptozoology under study: how terminology deals with folklore. [Poster]. HUGOD Conference – Humanities Going Digital: Teaching, training & research experiences – Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, Feb. 2-3, 2023.
Amaro, Raquel; Carreira, Alexandre; Vieira, Alice; Castro, Cláudia; Leong, Esmeralda (2023). Extraction of target structures in learners’ corpora: CQL queries for the exploitation of COPLE2. Revista Da Associação Portuguesa De Linguística, (10), 16-40. ISSN 2183-9077.
Amaro, Raquel; Correia, Susana (2023). iRead4Skills – Annotation Manual (V1.0). Zenodo.
Amaro, Raquel; François, Thomas (2023). iRead4Skills – Annotation Schema (V1.0). Zenodo.
Amaro, Raquel; Reis, Maria Leonor (2023). Abbreviations in social media communication: Accounting for neology and lexicographic treatment. Lexicography, 10(2), pp.173-193. ISSN 2197-4306.
Blanco Escoda, Xavier; Amaro, Raquel; François, Thomas; Garcia, Marcos (2023). iRead4Skills – Baselines for complexity lexicons definition. Zenodo.
Carvalho, Francisco; Reis, Maria Leonor (2023). Perceiving societal and moral trends related to sex abuse in the press through linguistic data analysis. [Poster] HUGOD Conference – Humanities Going Digital: Teaching, training & research experiences – Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, Feb. 2-3, 2023.
Carvalho, Sara; Khan, Anas Fahad; Ostroški Anić, Ana; Spahiu, Blerina; Gracia, Jorge; McCrae, John P.; Gromann, Dagmar; Heinisch, Barbara; Salgado, Ana, eds. (2023). Language, Data and Knowledge 2023 (LDK 2023): Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge. Lisboa: CLUNL | NOVA FCSH. e-ISBN 978-989-54081-5-3.
Carvalho, Sara; Wermuth, Cornelia; Costa, Rute (2023). Definitions in SNOMED CT Through the Lens of Terminology: From Formal to Textual. In: G. Di Nunzio, R. Costa, F. Vezzani, eds., 2nd International Conference on “Multilingual digital terminology today. Design, representation formats and management systems” (MDTT 2023). Book of extended abstract. MDTT 2023; Lisboa, Portugal; June 29-30, 2023. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, Vol-3427. ISSN 1613-0073.
Clément, Franz; Hauret, Laetitia; Amaro, Raquel (2023). iRead4Skills – Literature review & report on literacy and other skills. Zenodo.
Clément, Franz; Hauret, Laetitia; Amaro, Raquel (2023). iRead4Skills – Overall skills and gaps survey. Zenodo.
Correia, Susana: Amaro, Raquel; Gauchola, Roser (2023). iRead4Skills – Reading skills survey. Zenodo.
Costa, Rute; Salgado, Ana (2023). Le projet lexicographique MORDigital: une nouvelle approche au service des dictionnaires numériques. Révue éla – études de linguistique appliquée, 211(3), pp.315-333. ISSN 0071-190X.
Costa, Rute; Salgado, Ana; Ramos, Margarida; Almeida, Bruno; Silva, Raquel; Carvalho, Sara; Khan, Fahad; Tasovac, Toma; Khemakhem; Mohamed; Romary, Laurent (2023). A crossroad between lexicography and terminology work: Knowledge organization and domain labelling. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 38 (Issue suplement 1), pp.i17–i29. e-ISSN 2055-768X.
Dechamps, Christina (2023). Glossaire terminologique collaboratif et Data-Driven Learning dans la traduction du lexique artistique. In: Nuove strategie per la traduzione del lessico artistico: da Giorgio Vasari a un corpus plurilingue dei beni culturali. Firenze: Firenze University Press, pp.133-145. ISBN 979-12-215-0061-5.
Dechamps, Christina (2023). Le glossaire terminologique collaboratif comme stratégie d’enseignement d’une langue de spécialité. Polissema – Revista de Letras do ISCAP, (23), pp.178–196. ISSN 1645-1937.
Dechamps, Christina (2023). Variation diatopique et glossaire collaboratif dans l’enseignement du français juridique. Cahiers de Lexicologie, 122(1), pp.25-40. ISSN 0007-9871.
Di Nunzio, Giorgio Maria; Costa, Rute; Vezzani, Federica (2023). Editorial. In: G. Di Nunzio, R. Costa, F. Vezzani, eds., 2nd International Conference on “Multilingual digital terminology today. Design, representation formats and management systems” (MDTT 2023). Book of extended abstracts. MDTT 2023; Lisboa, Portugal; June 29-30, 2023. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, Vol-3427. ISSN 1613-0073. Published on CEUR-WS, Code 189947: 27-Jun-2023.
Di Nunzio, Giorgio Maria; Costa, Rute; Vezzani, Federica, eds. (2023). 2nd International Conference on “Multilingual digital terminology today. Design, representation formats and management systems” (MDTT 2023). Book of extended abstracts. MDTT 2023; Lisboa, Portugal; 29-30, June 2023. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, Vol-3427. ISSN 1613-0073. Published on CEUR-WS, Code 189947: 27-Jun-2023.
Dias, Rui; Lemos de Sousa, Manuel; Mata, João; Ribeiro, António; Rodrigues, Cristina; Galopim de Carvalho, António; Bolacha, Edite; Salgado, Ana (2023). Há xistos e xistos e… outros que nem tanto. In: R. Dias, ed., Portugal de antes da história, vol. 2: Dos mapas estáticos a uma Geologia de Portugal dinâmica. Centro Ciência Viva de Estremoz, pp.67-80. ISBN 978-989-53841-0-5.
Duarte Martins, Susana (2023). Competência comunicativa. In: A. Ferreira Martins, T. Quintana Yonaha, eds., Margens: Glossário especializado da área de ensino e aprendizagem da Língua Portuguesa. Brasília: FUNAG – Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão, pp.75-80. ISBN 978-85-7631-955-9.
Duarte Martins, Susana (2023). Digital dictionaries as a pedagogical tool in foreign language didactics. In: Cahiers de Lexicologie, 122(1), pp.209-238. ISSN 0007-9871.
Duarte Martins, Susana (2023). Do feedback corretivo ao feedback construtivo e follow-up como estratégias para o desenvolvimento da competência de escrita na aula de português língua estrangeira em ambiente digital. In: M. Shiro, A. Bolívar, J. Marinkovich, eds., Procesos de aprendizaje de la lengua oral y escrita: teoría y práctica. S. Paulo: Líquido Editorial, pp.183-215. ISBN 978-65-999248-1-1.
Fonseca, Ana Carolina; Maria, Marta Ribeiro (2023). Author’s neologisms in the book “Boca do Inferno”. [Poster] HUGOD Conference – Humanities Going Digital: Teaching, training & research experiences – Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, Feb. 2-3, 2023.
Lehečka, Boris; Salgado, Ana; Tasovac, Toma (2023). Building an Infrastructure for TEI Lex-0. TEI Lex-0: Recent Developments and New Directions. [Panel abstract]. In: R. Viglianti, J. Kepper, P. Stadler & J. Veit, eds., MEC and TEI Conference 2023: Encoding Cultures. Book of abstracts. Paderborn University, Germany, Sep. 4-8, 2023, pp.217–218.
Martelli, Frederico; Bejgu, Andrei Stefan; Campagnano, Cesare; Čibej, Jaka; Costa, Rute; Kallas, Jelena; Koeva, Svetla Peneva; Koppel, Kristina; Krek, Simon; Langemets, Margit; Lipp, Veronika; Nimb, Sanni; Olsen, Sussi; Pedersen, Bolette S.; Quochi, Valeria; Salgado, Ana; Simon, László; Tiberius, Carole; Ureña-Ruiz, Rafael; Navigli, Roberto (2023). XL-WA: a Gold Evaluation Benchmark for Word Alignment in 14 Language Pairs. In: CLiC-it 2023: 9th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, Nov 30 — Dec 02, 2023. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, Vol-3596. ISSN 1613-0073.
Monteiro, Ricardo; Amaro, Raquel; Correia, Susana; Pintard, Alice; Gauchola, Roser; Moutinho, Michell; Blanco Escoda, Xavier (2023). iRead4Skills – Complexity Levels. Zenodo.
Ochôa, Paula; Salgueiro, Ângela; Almeida, Bruno; Oliveira, Silvana Roque de; Araújo, Rui (2023). Investigação, curadoria e preservação digitais: modelo colaborativo entre o CHAM – Centro De Humanidades e o Núcleo de Desenvolvimento Digital da Investigação. Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, 29, pp.1-21. ISSN 1518-2924.
Ramos, Margarida; Costa, Rute (2023). Extracting knowledge-rich information from definitions. A corpus-based approach to building a conceptual-based terminological resource. In: G. Di Nunzio, R. Costa, F. Vezzani, eds., 2nd International Conference on “Multilingual digital terminology today. Design, representation formats and management systems” (MDTT 2023). Book of extended abstracts. MDTT 2023; Lisboa, Portugal; June 29-30, 2023. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, Vol-3427. ISSN 1613-0073.
Salgado, Ana et al. (2024). The Morais Dictionary: Following Best Practices in a Retro-digitized Dictionary Project. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 18(1), pp.125-147. e-ISSN 1755-1706.
Salgado, Ana; Costa, Rute (2023). Enhancing Lexicographic Work with Terminological Methods [Conference abstract]. In: T. Margalitadze, ed., I International Conference Lexicography in the XXI Century. Book of abstracts. Tbilisi: Centre for Lexicography and Language Technologies, Ilia State University Press, pp.57–59. ISBN 978-9941-18-449-9.
Salgado, Ana; Costa, Rute; Carvalho, Sara; Khan, Fahad; Almeida, Bruno; Ramos, Margarida; Silva, Raquel; Khemakhem, Mohamed; Romary, Laurent; Tasovac, Toma (2023, May 31 to June 3). Domain labeling in the Morais dictionary: bringing structure to unstructured lexicographic data [Conference abstract]. 24th Biennial Dictionary Society of North America Conference (DSNA). Book of abstracts. Boulder: University of Colorado, pp.32-34.
Salgado, Ana; Costa, Rute; Carvalho, Sara; Khan, Fahad; Almeida, Bruno; Ramos, Margarida; Silva, Raquel; Khemakhem, Mohamed; Romary, Laurent; Tasovac, Toma (2023, May 31 to June 3). Domain labeling in the Morais dictionary: bringing structure to unstructured lexicographic data [Conference abstract]. 24th Biennial Dictionary Society of North America Conference (DSNA). Book of abstracts. Boulder: University of Colorado, pp.32-34.
Salgado, Ana; Costa, Rute; Tasovac, Toma; Romary, Laurent; Khan, Fahad; Almeida, Bruno; Ramos, Margarida; Carvalho, Sara; Silva, Raquel; Khemakhem, Mohamed (2023). Usage Labels in an Eighteenth-century Portuguese Dictionary: the Case of Morais (1789) [Conference abstract]. In: R. Calabrese, R. Latorraca, & J. Aiello, eds., 13th International Conference for Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (ICHLL13): More than Words: Lexical Variation and Change across Cultures, Time, and Space. Book of abstracts. University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy, p.11.
Salgado, Ana; Simões, Alberto; Iriarte Sanromán, Álvaro; Vieira, Rita; Ferreira, Manuela; Carmo, Rita; Pinheiro, Conceição (2023). Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa: a new lexicographic resource of Academia das Ciências de Lisboa [Conference abstract]. In: M. Medveď, M. Měchura, C. Tiberius, I. Kosem, J. Kallas, M. Jakubíček, & S. Krek, eds., Electronic lexicography in the 21st century (eLex 2023): Invisible lexicography. Book of abstracts. Brno: Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o., pp.72-75.
Santos, Ana Sofia; Monteiro, Daniel; González, Leonor (2023). Comparing the use of idiomatic expressions in European Portuguese and European Spanish. [Poster] HUGOD Conference – Humanities Going Digital: Teaching, training & research experiences – Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, Feb. 2-3, 2023.
Silva, Carolina; Quaresma, Cláudia; Silva, Raquel; Carvalho, Sara; Costa, Rute; Fernández, Miguel; Pinto de Sousa, Andreia; Londral, Ana; Fonseca, Micaela (2023). Com@Rehab: An Interactive and Personalised Rehabilitation Activity Based on Virtual Reality. 2023, 2023060333.
Silva, Raquel (2023). Contributo para a terminologia da Literacia em Saúde – Princípios de um breve glossário. In: C. Vaz de Almeida; I. Fragoeiro, coord., Manual de Literacia em Saúde. Lisboa: PACTOR Editora, pp.263-273. ISBN 978-989-693-152-0.
Silva, Raquel; Hafe, Francisco von; Azevedo, Salomé; Guede-Fernández, Federico; Londral, Ana (2023). Popularizing Terminology Using Social Networks: Keeping Citizens Informed About Value in Health Care [Short Paper]. In: G. Di Nunzio, R. Costa, F. Vezzani, eds., 2nd International Conference on “Multilingual digital terminology today. Design, representation formats and management systems” (MDTT 2023). Book of extended abstracts. MDTT 2023; Lisboa, Portugal; June 29-30, 2023. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (, Vol-3427. ISSN 1613-0073.
Simões, Anabela; Balula, Ana; Carvalho, Sara; Mouro, Ana Luísa; Costa, Ana Rita; Neves, Márcia; Vasconcelos, Sandra, eds. (2023). International Conference on Language and Intercultural Communication Learning (LaICL): book of extended abstracts. Aveiro: UA Editora. ISBN 978-972-789-885-5.
Tasovac, Toma; Herold, Axel; Salgado, Ana; Romary, Laurente; Depuydt, K. (2023). Encoding Metadata for Dictionaries in TEI Lex-0. TEI Lex-0: Recent Developments and New Directions [Panel abstract]. In: R. Viglianti, J. Kepper, P. Stadler & J. Veit, eds., MEC and TEI Conference 2023: Encoding Cultures. Book of abstracts. Paderborn University, Germany, 4-8 Sep., pp.217.
Vezzani, Federica; Di Nunzio; Giorgio Maria; Costa, Rute (2023). ISO standards for terminology resources management – Are they FAIR enough? Digital Translation, 10(2) [special Issue for Digital Translation], pp.233-252. e-ISSN 2949-6845.
Almeida, Bruno; Costa, Rute (2022). Guia para o desenvolvimento e publicação de vocabulários controlados. Versão 1.0. Lisboa: NOVA FCSH. ISBN 978-972-9347-43-6. [Infraestrutura ROSSIO – Ciências Sociais, Artes e Humanidades – LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-022139].
Amaro, Raquel; Correia, Susana; Gonçalves, Matilde; Barbero, Chiara; Magalhães, Miguel (2022). Inclusive Host Language Teaching: Official Texts for Migrant and Refugee People. In: E. Meletiadou, ed., Handbook of Research on Policies and Practices for Assessing Inclusive Teaching and Learning. Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Global, pp.183-210. ISBN 9781799885795.
Barbero, Chiara (2022). CQL Grammars for Lexical and Semantic Information Extraction for Portuguese and Italian. In: V. Pinheiro et al., eds., Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language: 15th International Conference, PROPOR 2022, Fortaleza, Brazil, March 21–23, 2022, Proceedings. Cham: Springer, pp.376-386. e-ISBN 978-3-030-98305-5; e-ISSN 1611-3349.
Barbosa, Sílvia; Duarte Martins, Susana (2022). The neologisms of the COVID-19 pandemic in European Portuguese: from media to dictionary. In: A. Klosa-Kückelhaus; I. Kernerman, eds., Lexicography of Coronavirus-related Neologisms. Berlin/Boston: DeGruyter, pp.191-219. e-ISBN 978-3-11-079808-1.
Barbosa, Sílvia; Lino, Maria Teresa (2022, forthcoming). Images de la langue française dans le portugais européen contemporain, dans un domaine spécialisé. Le cas du domaine vinicole. In: Colloque Images des Langues Romanes: Discours, représentations et changements linguistiques, Université Paris 8, Paris, Janvier 16-17, 2020.
Costa, Rute (2022). Les normes au service de la terminologie numérique. In: F. Vezzani, Terminologie numérique: conception, représentation et gestion. Linguistic Insights. Studies in Language and Communication. Vol. 290. Bern: Peter Lang, pp.13-16. e-ISBN 978-3-0343-4264-3. ISBN 978-3-0343-4394-7. [Preface]
Costa, Rute; Carvalho, Sara; Anic, Ana Ostroski; Fahad Khan, Anas, eds. (2022). Proceedings of the LREC 2022 Workshop on Terminology in the 21st century: many faces, many places (Term21). Paris: ELRA. ISBN 979-10-95546-95-5; EAN 979109554712.
Costa, Rute; Ramos, Margarida; Salgado, Ana; Carvalho, Sara; Almeida, Bruno; Silva, Raquel (2022). Neoterm or neologism? A closer look at the determinologisation process. In: A. Klosa-Kückelhaus, I. Kernerman, eds., Lexicography of Coronavirus-related Neologisms. Berlin/Boston: DeGruyter, pp.237-259. ISBN 978-3-11-079808-1.
Costa, Rute; Roche, Christophe; Salgado, Ana (2022). Standards for Representing Lexicographic Data: An Overview. Version 1.0.0. DARIAH-Campus. [Training module].
Costa, Rute; Roche, Christophe; Salgado, Ana (2022). LexModel – Core Terminology for Lexicography. HAL-03730918. [Work in progress].
Costa, Rute; Salgado, Ana; Almeida, Bruno; Carvalho, Sara; Ramos, Margarida; Silva, Raquel, eds. (2022). Shaping knowledge through language: LSP in theory and practice. Book of Abstracts. Lisboa: CLUNL | NOVA FCSH. ISBN 978-989-54081-4-6.
Costa, Rute; Salgado, Ana; Carvalho, Sara; Tasovac, Toma; Simões, Alberto (2022, no prelo). Domain label ontology for health sciences applied to the Portuguese, French, and Spanish Academy dictionaries. In: Terminologica. Chambéry: Presses Universitaires Savoie Mont Blanc.
Costa, Rute; Salgado, Ana; Ramos, Margarida; Kahn, Fahad; Carvalho, Sara; Tasovac, Toma; Almeida, Bruno; Khemakhem; Mohamed; Romary, Laurent; Silva, Raquel (2022). Integrating Terminological and Ontological Principles into a Lexicographic Resource. In: G.M. Nunzio; G. M. Henrot; M. T. Musacchio; F. Vezzani, eds., MDTT 2022. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Multilingual Digital Terminology Today. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. ISSN 1613-0073.
Costa, Rute; Salgado, Ana; Ramos, Margarida; Khan, Fahad; Carvalho, Sara; Tasovac, Toma; Almeida, Bruno; Khemakhem Mohamed; Romary, Laurent; Silva, Raquel (2022). Integrating Terminological and Ontological Principles into a Lexicographic Resource. [Poster] 1st International Conference on Multilingual digital terminology today. Design, representation formats and management systems, Padova, Italy, 16-17 June 2022.
Dechamps, Christina (2022). Terminologie juridique et enjeux interculturels en communication spécialisée multilingue. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, 61(1), pp.86-96. ISSN 2175-764X.
Dechamps, Christina (2022, forthcoming). Glossaire terminologique collaboratif et Data-Driven Learning dans la traduction du lexique artistique. In: Nuove strategie per la traduzione del lessico artistico: da Giorgio Vasari a un corpus plurilingue dei beni culturali. Firenze: Firenze University Press.
Dechamps, Christina (2022, forthcoming). Le glossaire terminologique collaboratif comme moteur d’apprentissage d’une langue de spécialité. In: Langue – Profession – Science – 2.1, Actes du Ve Colloque international de l’Association des Langues étrangères et des Lettres de Serbie. Belgrade: Belgrade University Press.
Duarte Martins, Susana (2022). Lexical-based methodological approaches applied to foreign language for specific purposes teaching and learning. In: R. Ruiz-Cecilia, ed., 3rd New Trends in Foreign Language Teaching. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, pp.927-956. ISBN 978-84-19071-88-0.
Duarte Martins, Susana (2022, forthcoming). Digital dictionaries as a pedagogical tool in foreign language didactics. Cahiers de Lexicologie, 122. ISSN 0007-9871.
Duarte Martins, Susana (2022, forthcoming). O desenvolvimento da competência de escrita na aula de português língua estrangeira em ambiente digital: do feedback corretivo ao feedback construtivo e follow-up como estratégias. In: Congresso Internacional da Associação de Linguística e Filologia da América Latina (ALFAL). S. Paulo: Pontes Editores.
Londral, Ana Rita; Azevedo, S.; Dias, P.; Ramos, C.; Santos, J.; Martins, F.; Silva, Raquel; Semedo, H.; Vital, C.; Gualdino, A.; Falcão, J.; Lapão, Luís; Coelho, P.; Fragata , J. G. (2022). Developing and validating high-value patient digital follow-up services: a pilot study in cardiac surgery. BMC Health Services Research, (22), pp.1-13. ISSN 1472-6963.
Martelli, Federico; Maru, Marc; Campagnano, Cesare; Navigli, Roberto; Velardi, Paola; Ureña-Ruiz, Rafael-J; Frontini, Francesca; Quochi, Valeria; Kallas, Jelena; Koppel, Kristina; Langemets, Margit; Does, Jesse; Tempelaars, Rob; Tiberius, Carole; Costa, Rute; Salgado, Ana; Krek, Simon; Čibe, Jaka; Dobrovoljc, Kaja; Gantar, Polona; Munda, Tina (2022). D3.8 Lexical-semantic analytics for NLP – final report. 67 p. Report [H2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017 Grant Agreement No. 731015 ELEXIS – European Lexicographic Infrastructure].
Martelli, Federico; Navigli, Roberto; Krek, Simon; Kallas, Jelena; Gantar, Polona; Koeva, Svetla; Nimb, Sanni; Sandford Pedersen, Bolette; Olsen, Sussi; Langemets, Margit; Koppel, Kristina; Üksik, Tiiu; Dobrovoljc, Kaja; Ureña-Ruiz, Rafael; Sancho-Sánchez, José-Luis; Lipp, Veronika; Váradi, Tamás; Győrffy, András; László, Simon; Quochi, Valeria; Monachini, Monica; Frontini, Francesca; Tiberius, Carole; Tempelaars, Rob; Costa, Rute; Salgado, Ana; Čibej, Jaka; Munda, Tina (2022). Parallel sense-annotated corpus ELEXIS-WSD 1.0. Slovenian language resource repository CLARIN.SI. ISSN 2820-4042. [H2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017. Grant Agreement No. 731015 ELEXIS – European Lexicographic Infrastructure.]
Pinheiro, Vládia; Gamallo, Pablo; Amaro, Raquel; Scarton, Carolina; Baptista, Fernando; Silva, Diego; Magro, Catarina; Pinto, Hugo, eds. (2022). Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language: 15th International Conference, PROPOR 2022, Fortaleza, Brazil, March 21-23, 2022, Proceedings. Springer International Publishing AG. 442p. [Lecture Notes in Computer Science; n.1].
Salgado, Ana; Costa, Rute; Tasovac, Toma (2022). Applying terminological methods to lexicographic work: terms and their domains. In: A. Klosa-Kückelhaus; S. Engelberg; C. Möhrs; P. Storjohann, eds., Dictionaries and Society. Proceedings of the XX EURALEX International Congress. Mannheim: IDS-Verlag, pp.181-195. ISBN 978-3-937241-87-6.
Salgado, Ana; Costa, Rute; Tasovac, Toma (2022, forthcoming). Comprender el mundo para mejorar un diccionario: las marcas temáticas en el Diccionario de la Lengua Española de la Real Academia Española. In: IX Congreso Internacional de Lexicografía Hispánica: Lexicografía del Español. Internacionalización e Intercomunicación, Tenerife, Espanha.
Salgado, Ana; Costa, Rute; Tasovac, Toma (2022, forthcoming). Is there a Place for Orthographic Dictionaries in the 21st Century? In: 11th International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (ICHLL11), June 16-18, Spain.
Silva, Gonçalo; Glória, Ana Celeste; Salgueiro, Ângela; Almeida, Bruno; Roque de Freitas, Marco; Freire, Nuno; Monteiro, Daniel Veiga (2022). ROSSIO Infrastructure: a digital humanities platform to explore the Portuguese cultural heritage. Information, 13(2), 50. ISSN 2078-2489.
Silva, Raquel; Carvalho, Sara; Costa, Rute; Fonseca, Micaela; Quaresma, Claúdia; Londral, Ana Rita (2022). Relato de Pesquisa. Linguística e literacia em saúde: promoção de comunicação humanizada num ambiente virtual [e-Poster]. Anais da 2.ª Conferência Brasileira de Letramento em Saúde, REBRALS. Eixo Temático: Comunicação letrada em saúde, Código resumo 5037909. Brasil, 22-24 de junho 2022. ISSN 2764-8079.
Simões, Alberto; Salgado, Ana (2022). Smart Dictionary Editing with LeXmart. In: A. Klosa-Kückelhaus, S. Engelberg, C. Möhrs, P. Storjohann, eds., Dictionaries and Society. Proceedings of the XX EURALEX International Congress. Mannheim: IDS-Verlag, pp.423-434. ISBN 978-3-937241-87-6.
Tasovac, Toma; Salgado, Ana; Costa, Rute (2022). Introduction to Dictionaries. Version 1.0.0. DARIAH-Campus. [Training module].
Tasovac, Toma; Tiberius, Carole; Bamberg, Claudia; Bellandi, Andrea; Burch, Thomas; Costa, Rute; Ďurčo, Matej; Frontini, Francesca; Hennemann, Julia; Heylen, Kris; Jakubíček, Miloš; Khan, Fahad; Klee, Anne; Kosem, Iztok; Kovář, Vojtěch; Matuška, Ondřej; McCrae, John; Monachini, Mónica; Mörth, Karlheinz; Munda, Tina; Quochi, Valeria; Repar, Andraž; Roche, Christophe; Salgado, Ana; Sievers, Henrike; Váradi, Tamás; Weyand, Sandra; Woldrich, Anna; Zhanial, Susanne (2022). D5.3 Overview of Online Tutorials and Instruction Manuals. 31 p. [H2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017 Grant Agreement No. 731015 ELEXIS – European Lexicographic Infrastructure].
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- Projects
- Ongoing projects
- MultiPoD – Multilingual and Multicultural Spaces for Political Deliberation
- HEREDITARY – HetERogeneous sEmantic Data Integration for guT-brAin interplay
- TTC-CPLP – Terminologias Técnicas e Científicas para a CPLP
- CHAMUÇA – Portuguese and South Asian Lexicon Archive
- e-Term ANCV – Recurso terminológico jurídico-parlamentar digital Assembleia Nacional de Cabo Verde
- EPISTRAN – Epistemic Translation: Towards an Ecology of Knowledges
- DiTo – Didática do Texto
- REDGRAM – Digital Resources for Education – Grammatical Pathways
- iRead4Skills – Intelligent Reading Improvement System for Fundamental and Transversal Skills Development
- Active Citizenship Through Dialogue in Virtual teacher communities
- Heritage Languages go to School: The interplay of (extra)linguistic factors in successful language development
- Investigating the impact of implicit and explicit instruction on phonological acquisition in a second language
- LAUA – Language Attrition and Ultimate Attainment
- CORRELATE – Corpora and Lexical and Terminological Resources
- ANACOREX – Anafora y expresiones referenciales en el bilinguismo: triangulando enfoques de corpus y experimentales
- CoRaLHis – Comparing Romance Languages through History: building a multilingual parallel diachronic corpus (13th-18th C.)
- MorDigital – Digitisation of Diccionario da Lingua Portugueza by António de Morais Silva
- Language and literacy at school – the contribution of metasyntactic abilities to reading comprehension development
- G&T.Comenta
- COVID-19 Collaborative Glossary
- TERMVEST – The Clothing Terminology: European Portuguese version
- Digital Edition of the “Vocabulário Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa” (VOLP-1940)
- PIPALE – Preventive Intervention Project for Learning to Read and Write
- POR Nível – Design and validation of a placement test to PFL
- Cultural Heritage Lexicon
- Concluded projects
- NObarriers2Health: Reducing language and cultural barriers through machine translation literacy for inclusive multilingual health communication
- ProPerL2 – Production and Perception in L2 speech learning
- Western Sephardic Diaspora Roadmap
- ELEXIS – European Lexicographic Infrastructure
- Humanities Going Digital (HUGOD)
- LL2DS – Linking Linguistics to Data Science
- QuILL – Quality in Language Learning
- Corpus Linguístico & Avatar para a Língua Gestual Portuguesa
- Monitor Corpora. PressCoronaVírus
- Caring Communication: gene therapy in the context of hemophilia
- Com@Rehab – Communication for interactive rehabilitation in virtual reality
- Read4Succeed: Improving migrant, refugee and from deprived neighbourhood children reading skills through an Animal Assisted Reading program
- Project GiroFLE
- ANACOR: A corpus-based approach to anaphora resolution in second language acquisition: beyond the interfaces
- OrthoDef
- European Portuguese-Standard Arab Dictionary
- MOCOLANG-O – MOdélisation COnceptuelle des troubles (du LANGage et de la communication) en Orthophonie
- Romance clitics in diachrony. An integrated approach
- Portuguese Literature Corpus for Distant Reading
- ALPROF – Automatic Assessment of Language Proficiency for Migrant Integration
- Utopia, Food and the Future
- Development of syntactic structures in Portuguese and French monolingual and bilingual acquisition
- The Case of Grammatical Relations
- BlackBox – a Collaborative Platform to Document Performance Composition: from conceptual structures in the backstage to customizable visualizations in the front-end
- Promotion of scientific literacy
- PerGRam – Percursos para o ensino da gramática nos primeiros anos de escolaridade
- Knowledge Organisation Proposal within the scope of infertility: the role of Terminology
- Subordination in Medieval Portuguese
- Crosslinguistic and Crosspopulation approaches to the Acquisition of Dependencies
- Syntactic and lexical factors in processing complexity
- SIERA – Integrating Sina Institute into the European Research Area
- Syntactic Dependencies from 3 to 10
- Events and subevents in Capeverdean
- TKB – Transmedia Knowledge Base for Contemporary Dance
- Research network projects
- ELEXIS Association
- PhraConRep – A Multilingual Repository of Phraseme Constructions in Central and Eastern European Languages
- Y-JustLang – Justice to youth language needs
- ENEOLI – European Network On Lexical Innovation
- Consortium Huma-Num ARIANE
- GRAFE’Maire
- UniDive – Universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language technology
- Metalex – International Metalexicography Network
- @ Cientista Regressa à Escola
- CLIL in Languages Other Than English
- NexusLinguarum – European network for Web-centred linguistic data science
- Distant Reading for European Literary History
- HL2C – Heritage Language Consortium
- KEYSTONE – Semantic Keyword-Based Search on Structures Data Sources
- ARLE – International Association for Research in L1 Education
- ENeL – European Network of e-Lexicography
- GraMaLL – Grasping Meaning Across Languages and Learners
- Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment
- GIRTraduvino – Grupo de Investigación Reconocido sobre la Lengua de la Vid Y el Vino y su Traducción
- Value for Health CoLAB
- Infrastructures
- Services provision