TERMVEST – The Clothing Terminology: European Portuguese version


  • Project identification: TERMVEST – The Clothing Terminology: European Portuguese version
  • Group: LLT – Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology
  • Coordination: Susana Duarte Martins
  • Start date: August 2019


TERMVEST came to life from a collaboration between NOVA CLUNL and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Based on the work developed for Brazilian Portuguese, this project proposes to create the European Portuguese version of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) glossary: http://terminology.collectionstrust.org.uk/ICOM-costume/, an extremely important resource for cataloguing pieces of clothing in museums in Portugal, Brazil and other Portuguese-speaking countries. This project seeks to establish contact with institutions and experts in the field to think on terminological questions about the equivalents that offer greater difficulty of validation, in European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese, in the latter case due to the scarcity of bibliographic sources prior to the 18th and 19th centuries. Later, the aim is to provide bibliography in the field of clothing.


Susana Duarte Martins (coordinator in Portugal – CLUNL)
Maria Cristina Volpi (coordinator in Brazil – Escola de Belas Artes da UFRJ)
Janine Pimentel (Faculdade de Letras da UFRJ)
Carla Alferes Pinto (CHAM – Centro de Humanidades, NOVA University Lisbon)
Filipa Baptista (CLUNL)


1. Carla Alferes Pinto – Nova University of Lisbon
2. Caroline Müller – Federal University of Paraná
3. Catarina G. Moura – University of Beira Interior
4. Dina Caetano Dimas – National Museum of Costume
5. Elsa Mangas Ferraz – National Museum of Costume
6. Xénia Flores Ribeiro – National Museum of Costume


Museu Nacional do Traje (Portugal)