
  • Identificação do projeto: CLARIN CLUNL
  • Principal Investigator: Maria Francisca Xavier (LiFE – Formal and Experimental Lingustics research group) and Maria do Céu Caetano (G&T – Grammar & Text research group)
  • Duration: March 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019
  • Keywords: Medieval Portuguese; complex prepositions; affixes; dictionary.


Within PORTULAN CLARIN – Research Infrastructure for the Science and Technology of Language, integrated in the “National Roadmap for Infrastructure of Strategic Relevance (Roteiro Nacional de Infraestruturas de Relevância Estratégica), CLARIN CLUNL project had as main objectives:

. the identification and classification of complex prepositions/conjunctions contained in the CIPM texts (, aiming the elaboration of the Dicionário de Preposições Complexas do Português Medieval (online resource);
. gathering data (derivatives, variants, contexts,…) contained in the CIPM texts, analysis and elaboration of lexicographical entries to the Dicionário dos Afixos do Português Medieval.


Maria Francisca Xavier (principal investigator)
Maria do Céu Caetano (principal investigator)
Ana Afonso (research grant holder)
Eduardo Castro (research grant holder)