ANACOR: A corpus-based approach to anaphora resolution in second language acquisition: beyond the interfaces


  • Project identification: ANACOR: A corpus-based approach to anaphora resolution in second language acquisition: beyond the interfaces (FFI2016-75106-P)
  • Coordination: Cristóbal Lozano (University of Granada)
  • Researcher of CLUNL: Ana Madeira, Joana Teixeira (LiFE – Formal and Experimental Linguistics research group)
  • Duration: 2016 – 2021
  • Funding entity: M. de Economía y Competitividad


“The goal of the ANACOR research project is to understand how late bilinguals ( = learners of a second language, L2) use anaphoric forms to refer to their antecedents in previous discourse.”

(Retrieved from Research Gate page)


Cristóbal Lozano (principal investigator, Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Ana Díaz-Negrillo
Nobuo Ignacio López Sakoz
Amaya Mendikoetxea (UAM)
Pedro Guijarro (UIB)
Despina Papadopoulou (University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Marcus Callies (University of Bremen, Germany)
Joana Teixeira (CLUNL)