European Portuguese-Standard Arab Dictionary


  • Project Identification: European Portuguese-Standard Arab Dictionary [P229523]
  • Group: Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology
  • Coordination: Abdesslam Okab (IEHL, Rabat Mohamed V University)
  • Portuguese team at CLUNL coordination: Teresa Lino, Raquel Amaro (Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology group)
  • Duration: Jan. 2017 to Mar. 2021
  • Funding: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (CLUNL); Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique et Technique, Morocco (IEHL)
  • Keywords: Bilingual Lexicography; Portuguese; Arab.


The European Portuguese-Standard Arabic Dictionary (DPEAP) project was developed within a Framework Agreement for Cooperation between the Mohammed V University and the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, under a cooperation protocol between the Institut of Hispanic and Lusophone Studies (IEHL), the coordinating institution, and the Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology Group of the Linguistics Research Centre of NOVA University of Lisbon (CLUNL).

The DPEAP is aimed at an audience of Arabic-speaking university students learning Portuguese, and is a useful linguistic resource not only for students, but also for teachers, translators and professionals from other areas (economics, commerce, business, tourism, among others).

The CLUNL team was in charge of the lexicographic consultancy and training of the project, having been essential to the reflection on the methodologies to be adopted for the elaboration of a bilingual dictionary and to the definition of the objectives to be achieved, taking into account the target public for whom the dictionary is intended, as reflected in the results of the project.

The procedures to be adopted in the compilation of the dictionary, the metalexicographical information to include and its possible reflection in the microstructure of the entries were proposed based on a reiterated work of revising and recomposing entries of the letters A and B. Several actions and training events were also carried out, as well as tasks of phonetic transcription and syntactic description of verbal constructions and tasks of validating the synchronic and cultural adequacy of definitions and examples for Portuguese.


Training events

Jornadas de Lexicografia Bilingue: Português-Árabe (Journeys on Bilingual Lexicography: Portuguese-Arab), CLUNL, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (NOVA FCSH), Lisbon, 23-27th January, and 8-9th February 2017.

Seminar “Lexicultura e expressões idiomáticas no Português Atual” (Lexiculture and idiomatic expression in Contemporary Portuguese), CLUNL, Universidade Mohammed V of Rabat, Morocco, 24-25th April 2017.

Seminar “Lexicografia e Dicionarísticas Bilingues” (Bilingual Lexicography and Dictionarists), CLUNL, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon, 10th July 2017.

Seminar “Terminologia, Termos específicos, Colocações e Locuções idiomáticas no Dicionário Bilingue DPEAP” (Terminology, Specific Terms, Colocations and Idiomatic Locutions in the Bilingual Dictionary DPEAP), CLUNL/IEHL, Universidade Mohammed V of Rabat, Morocco, 11-12th December 2017.

Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics 2017, seminars “Lexicographie et Métalexicographie”(Jean Pruvost – Université Cergy-Pontoise / Teresa Lino – CLUNL) “Specialized lexicon: perspectives, analyses and results”, (Raquel Amaro / Rute Costa – CLUNL), NOVA FCSH, 3-7th July 2017: seminar attendance by the Moroccan team.

Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics 2018, seminar “Trends and advanced approaches in Lexicography” (Teresa Lino, Raquel Amaro, Rute Costa – CLUNL), NOVA FCSH, 2-6th July 2018: seminar attendance by the Moroccan team.

Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics 2018, seminar “Trends and advanced approaches in Lexicography” (Teresa Lino, Raquel Amaro, Rute Costa – CLUNL), NOVA FCSH, 1-5th July 2019: seminar attendance by the Moroccan team.

Publications and communications

Barbosa, Sílvia (2018). Léxico e cultura: a herança árabe (marroquina) “à mesa portuguesa”. In: Abordagens de Lexicografia Bilingue Português Europeu Árabe Padrão. Rabat: Institut d’Etudes Hispano-Lusophones, Mohammed V University, pp.129-143. ISBN 978-9954-22-943-9.

Heitor, Olga (2018). Lexicultura e Ensino de Português Língua estrangeira. In: Abordagens de Lexicografia Bilingue Português Europeu Árabe Padrão. Rabat: Institut d’Etudes Hispano-Lusophones, Universidade Mohammed V University, pp.145-158. ISBN 978-9954-22-943-9.

Lino, Teresa (2018). Lexicografia Bilingue: Dicionário Português Europeu-Árabe Padrão. In: Abordagens de Lexicografia Bilingue Português Europeu Árabe Padrão. Rabat: Institut d’Etudes Hispano Lusophones, Mohamed V University, pp.11-29. ISBN 978-9954-22-943-9.

Lino, Teresa; Robalo, Karima; Barbosa, Sílvia; Heitor, Olga; Ferreira, Fátima & Lino, Catarina (2020). Terminologie vulgarisée des énergies renouvelables. Langue(s) & Parole, Revue de Philologie Française et Romane, (5), pp.231-252. ISSN 2466-7757.

Lino, Teresa; Robalo, Karima; Barbosa, Sílvia; Heitor, Olga; Ferreira, Fátima & Lino, Catarina (2020). Renewable energies – a case study of vulgarized terminology in the general language dictionary. Second Wroclaw Terminological Meeting, Wroclaw (Poland), 5th-7th of March 2020 (communication).

Robalo, Karima Fangour (2019). Vulgarisation Terminologique dans le Domaine des Énergies Renouvelables, Português-Árabe. PhD thesis supervised by Teresa Lino. Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Available at:

Other results

Lino, Teresa (coord.) Dicionário Português Europeu-Árabe Padrão – DPEAP: Procedimentos e Revisões, proposal of lexicographical procedures and revisions for DPEAP. (general documents, revised versions 2018 e 2019).


Teresa Lino (coordinator Jan./2017 – Dec./2019)
Raquel Amaro (coordinator Feb./2020 – Mar./2021)
Sílvia Barbosa
Fátima Ferreira
Olga Heitor
Catarina Bernardino Lino
Karima Fangour Robalo