NexusLinguarum – European network for Web-centred linguistic data science


  • Identificação do projeto: NexusLinguarum – European network for Web-centred linguistic data science [COST Action CA18209]
  • Coordenação: Jorge Garcia (Universidad Zaragoza, Espanha)
  • Duração: out. 2019 – out. 2023
  • Entidade financiadora: European Science Foundation
  • Sítio web:


The main aim of this Action is to promote synergies across Europe between linguists, computer scientists, terminologists, and other stakeholders in industry and society, in order to investigate and extend the area of linguistic data science. We understand linguistic data science as a subfield of the emerging “data science”, which focuses on the systematic analysis and study of the structure and properties of data at a large scale, along with methods and techniques to extract new knowledge and insights from it. Linguistic data science is a specific case, which is concerned with providing a formal basis to the analysis, representation, integration and exploitation of language data (syntax, morphology, lexicon, etc.). In fact, the specificities of linguistic data are an aspect largely unexplored so far in a big data context.

In order to support the study of linguistic data science in the most efficient and productive way, the construction of a mature holistic ecosystem of multilingual and semantically interoperable linguistic data is required at Web scale. Such an ecosystem, unavailable today, is needed to foster the systematic cross-lingual discovery, exploration, exploitation, extension, curation and quality control of linguistic data. We argue that linked data (LD) technologies, in combination with natural language processing (NLP) techniques and multilingual language resources (LRs) (bilingual dictionaries, multilingual corpora, terminologies, etc.), have the potential to enable such an ecosystem that will allow for transparent information flow across linguistic data sources in multiple languages, by addressing the semantic interoperability problem.

(Texto transcrito do sítio web COST Actions.)

Equipa do CLUNL

Rute Costa
Ana Salgado
Bruno Almeida
Margarida Ramos
Sara Carvalho

Entidades Participantes

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