
  • Project Identification: EXPRIMI – Preliminary corpus exploitation for inclusive task-based host language teaching
  • Groups: LLT, LiFE, G&T
  • Principal Investigators: Raquel Amaro, Susana Correia, Matilde Gonçalves
  • Duration: Nov. 2020 – Dec. 2024


The EXPRIMI project integrates researchers from the 3 research groups of CLUNL, gathering knowledge and expertise in several subareas of Linguistics, and has the collaboration and the know-how from the Portuguese Refugees Council as counseling partner with practical experience of integrating migrants. The goal of the project is the preliminary research on the teaching-learning of Portuguese as host language, based on the exploration of authentic informational and institutional texts targeting migrants. This preliminary research envisages the development of three essential aspects:

i) methods for the identification, extraction and description of vocabulary fundamental to host language learning, using computational tools and procedures;

ii) semiautomatic analysis of texts and their respective contexts for the identification and extraction of feature and criteria to monitor trends/bias in the texts and language usage;

iii) methods for the conception and building of task-based teaching materials for Portuguese, considering and promoting the specific learning context and communication needs of migrant integration.

As a general result, the project aims at pursuing preliminary research on these three aspects to inform the design of their implementation to a larger scale. Specifically, expected results include a corpus for specific purposes focusing migrant integration and hosting; a frequency lexicon for special purposes (integration through language); research on methods for building Task-Based Learning and Teaching (TBLT) materials for host language teaching, based on corpora; and analysis of trends/bias markers indicating cultural bias and exclusion, including a preliminary análisys of the relevant features based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of the corpora.


Raquel Amaro
Susana Correia
Matilde Gonçalves
Chiara Barbero
Miguel Magalhães
Alice Vieira
Cláudia Castro


CPR – Conselho Português para os Refugiados (Portuguese Refugees Council)


Amaro, Raquel, Susana Correia & Matilde Gonçalves (2021). MIGRANTE.PT. 2021. ISLRN: 872-735-563-701-2.  https://clunl.fcsh.unl.pt/en/online-resources/corpora/migrante-pt/; DOI: https://doi.org/10.34619/ctho-dqqk

Amaro, Raquel, Susana Correia, Matilde Gonçalves, Chiara Barbero & Miguel Magalhães (2022). Inclusive Host Language Teaching: a case study of Portuguese as Foreign Language materials targeting migrants and refugees. In: Meletiadou, E. (ed.) Policies and Practices for Assessing Inclusive Teaching and Learning. United Kingdom: IGI Global, pp. 183-210. United Kingdom: IGI Global, 2022. ISBN13: 9781799885795. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-8579-5.ch009

Castro, Cláudia (2024). Extração e descrição do vocabulário fundamental para o ensino do Português Europeu como língua de acolhimento. MA in “Ciências da Linguagem – Terminologia e Gestão da Informação de Especialidade”. Supervision: Raquel Amaro. NOVA FCSH. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10362/167327

Vieira, Alice (2024). Text mining para a deteção de traços linguísticos de inclusividade: Análise de textos usados no acolhimento e integração de pessoas. MA in “Ciências da Linguagem – Terminologia e Gestão da Informação de Especialidade”. Supervision: Raquel Amaro, Matilde Gonçalves. NOVA FCSH. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10362/170935