Doctoral Theses
Costa, Raquel (2024). Competências sintáticas em crianças com perturbação do espectro do autismo. Linguistics. Supervised by João Costa; Maria Lobo. NOVA University Lisbon. [FCT Grant Holder]. Available at:
Ge, Yuxin (2024). Influence of phonology and individual differences in adults’ statistical word learning. Linguistics. Supervised by Patrick Rebuschat; Padraic Monaghan. Lancaster University, UK. [ProPerL2 project Research Grant].
Moutinho, Michell (2024). Fluência em leitura oral, compreensão e hábitos de leitura: influência da Leiturabilidade no desempenho em textos narrativos e informativos. Linguistics. Supervised by Isabel França dos Santos (Universidade Federal do Pará); Susana Correia. Universidade Federal do Pará, Brasil [iRead4Skills project Research Grant].
Tavares, Gabriela (2024). Perceção de acento e redução vocálica na aquisição fonológica em PL2: implicações para a prática pedagógica. Word stress and reduced vowel perception in Portuguese L2 by Hungarian Speakers. PhD in Multilingualism and Language Didactics. Supervised by Susana Correia; Andrea Deme. NOVA University Lisbon/Universidade Aberta. [FCT Grant Holder]. Available at:
Vaz, Stéphanie (2024). Instrumento de Avaliação de Narrativas Orais para Crianças Falantes de Português Europeu. Linguistics. Supervised by Maria Lobo (NOVA University Lisbon); Marisa Lousada (Universidade de Lisboa). NOVA University Lisbon. [FCT Grant Holder]. Available at:
Baixane, Olinda (2023). A alternância indicativo/conjuntivo no Português moçambicano: propostas metodológicas para o ensino dos modos verbais. Linguistics. Supervised by Ana Madeira. NOVA University Lisbon. Available at:
Caeiro, Pedro (2022). O uso de materiais autênticos com estudantes A1 no ensino de português língua não materna para fins específicos. Languages Teaching – Multilingualism and Education for a Global Citizenship. Supervised by Susana Correia. NOVA University Lisbon & Universidade Aberta. Available at:
Espírito Santo, Ana de Barros (2022). The acquisition of prepositional relative clauses in European Portuguese by native Chinese speakers. Linguistics. Supervised by Nélia Alexandra (Universidade de Lisboa); Silvia Perpiñán (Universidade de Lisboa); Ana Madeira (NOVA University Lisbon). Universidade de Lisboa. [FCT Grant Holder – FCT SFRH/BD/146971/2019]. Available at:
Moita, Mara (2022). A Aquisição de Dependências Sintáticas com Movimento em Crianças Surdas com Implante Coclear: Um défice de movimento? Supervised by João Costa; Maria Lobo. NOVA University Lisbon.
Fernandes, Bruno (2021). Pseudorelatives: Parsing preferences and their natural concealment. Linguística. Supervised by João Costa. NOVA University Lisbon. Available at:
Aguilar, Miriam (2020). On Pseudorelatives and Human Sentence Parsing. PhD. Supervised by João Costa; Nino Grillo; Maria Lobo. NOVA University Lisbon [FCT Grant Holder PD/BD/113975/2015]. Available at:
Zheng, Yi (2019). Forward and backward anaphora resolution in European Portuguese and Chinese: Syntactic properties and second language acquisition. PhD. Supervised by Maria Gabriela Ardisson Pereira de Matos (Universidade de Lisboa); Ana Madeira (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa) and Paula Luegi (Universidade de Lisboa). Universidade de Lisboa. Available at:
Batalha, Joana (2018). Relações entre conhecimento explícito da língua e a competência de leitura. Compreensão de dependências referenciais no ensino básico. PhD. Supervised by João Costa (NOVA University Lisbon); Ana Luísa Costa (Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal). NOVA University Lisbon. [FCT Grant Holder SFRH/BD/73881/2010]. Available at:
Teixeira, Joana (2018). L2 Acquisition at the interfaces: Subject-verb inversion in L2 English and its pedagogical implications. PhD. Supervised by Ana Madeira; Ana Gonçalves Matos. NOVA University Lisbon. [FCT Grant Holder PD/BD/52263/2013]. Available at:
Vercauteren, Aleksandra (2016). A conspiracy theory for clefts: the syntax and interpretation of cleft constructions. PhD. Supervised by Maria Lobo (NOVA University Lisbon); Liliane Haegeman (University of Gent). NOVA University Lisbon. [Financial support from Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, FWO11/ASP/258 and FWO13/ASP_H/258.] Available at:
Silva, Carolina (2015). Interpretation of clitic, strong and null pronouns in the acquisition of European Portuguese. PhD. Supervised by João Costa; Maria Lobo. NOVA University Lisbon. [FCT Grant Holder SFRH/BD/48311/2008.] Available at:
Estrela, Antónia (2014). A aquisição da estrutura passiva em Português Europeu. PhD. Supervised by João Costa; Amália Mendes. NOVA University Lisbon. [FCT Grant Holder SFRH/BD/36675/2007 with financial support from Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa SFRH/PROTEC/67746/2010.] Available at:
Loureiro, João (2011). A consciência sintáctica em crianças em idade escolar. PhD. Supervised by João Costa. NOVA University Lisbon.
Morais, Armindo (2010). Narrativas Conversacionais: a Introdução de Enunciados Narrativos em Situação de Interação Oral. PhD. Supervised by Hanna Jakubowicz Batoréo. Universidade Aberta. [FCT Grant Holder.] Available at:
Dias, Helena (2009). Português europeu língua não materna a distância: (Per)Cursos de iniciação baseados em tarefas. PhD. Supervised by Hanna Jakubowicz Batoréo; José Bidarra. Universidade Aberta. Available at:
Martins, Marco (2009). Competição de gramáticas do português na escrita catarinense dos séculos 19 e 20. PhD. Supervised by Izete Coelho (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina); Maria Lobo (NOVA University Lisbon). Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil). Available at:
Land, Ana Isabel (2008). Heróis, Vilões, Vítimas e Emoções no Discurso Jornalístico em Reacção ao Terrorismo: de Nova Iorque a Londres. Uma Abordagem Cognitiva. PhD. Supervised by Hanna Jakubowicz Batoréo. Universidade Aberta. Available at:
Pratas, Fernanda (2007). Tense features and argument structure in Capeverdean predicates. PhD. Supervised by João Costa. NOVA University Lisbon.
Castro, Ana (2006). On Possessives in Portuguese. PhD. Supervised by Maria Francisca Xavier (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa); Anne Zribi-Hertz (Université Paris 8). NOVA University Lisbon and Université Paris 8 (France).
Faria, Jair (2005). A sintaxe de preposições no português. PhD. Supervised by Maria Denilda Moura (Universidade Federal de Alagoas); João Costa (NOVA University Lisbon). Universidade Federal de Alagoas (Brazil).
Tomás, Maria Isabel (2005). O Kristang de Malaca. Processos Linguísticos e Contextos Sociais na Obsolescência das Línguas. PhD. Supervised by Maria de Lourdes Crispim. NOVA University Lisbon.
Silva, Cláudia (2004). A natureza de AGR e suas implicações na ordem VS: um estudo comparativo entre o português brasileiro e o português europeu. PhD. Supervised by Maria Denilda Moura (Universidade Federal de Alagoas); João Costa (NOVA University Lisbon). Universidade Federal de Alagoas (Brazil). Available at:
Fiéis, Alexandra (2003). Ordem de Palavras, Transitividade e Inacusatividade. Reflexão Teórica e Análise do Português dos Séculos XIII a XVI. PhD. Supervised by Maria Francisca Xavier. NOVA University Lisbon.
Lobo, Maria (2003). Aspectos da Sintaxe das Orações Subordinadas Adverbiais do Português. PhD. Supervised by Maria Francisca Xavier; Manuela Ambar. NOVA University Lisbon.
Silva, Cristina Vieira da (2003). A Complementação Infinitiva em Textos Latinos dos Séculos XI e XII e em Textos Portugueses dos Séculos XIII e XIV. Reflexões sobre o Latim-Romance e o Português Antigo. PhD. Supervised by Maria Francisca Xavier. NOVA University Lisbon.
- Projects
- Ongoing projects
- MultiPoD – Multilingual and Multicultural Spaces for Political Deliberation
- HEREDITARY – HetERogeneous sEmantic Data Integration for guT-brAin interplay
- TTC-CPLP – Terminologias Técnicas e Científicas para a CPLP
- CHAMUÇA – Portuguese and South Asian Lexicon Archive
- e-Term ANCV – Recurso terminológico jurídico-parlamentar digital Assembleia Nacional de Cabo Verde
- EPISTRAN – Epistemic Translation: Towards an Ecology of Knowledges
- DiTo – Didática do Texto
- REDGRAM – Digital Resources for Education – Grammatical Pathways
- iRead4Skills – Intelligent Reading Improvement System for Fundamental and Transversal Skills Development
- Active Citizenship Through Dialogue in Virtual teacher communities
- Heritage Languages go to School: The interplay of (extra)linguistic factors in successful language development
- Investigating the impact of implicit and explicit instruction on phonological acquisition in a second language
- LAUA – Language Attrition and Ultimate Attainment
- CORRELATE – Corpora and Lexical and Terminological Resources
- ANACOREX – Anafora y expresiones referenciales en el bilinguismo: triangulando enfoques de corpus y experimentales
- CoRaLHis – Comparing Romance Languages through History: building a multilingual parallel diachronic corpus (13th-18th C.)
- MorDigital – Digitisation of Diccionario da Lingua Portugueza by António de Morais Silva
- Language and literacy at school – the contribution of metasyntactic abilities to reading comprehension development
- G&T.Comenta
- COVID-19 Collaborative Glossary
- TERMVEST – The Clothing Terminology: European Portuguese version
- Digital Edition of the “Vocabulário Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa” (VOLP-1940)
- PIPALE – Preventive Intervention Project for Learning to Read and Write
- POR Nível – Design and validation of a placement test to PFL
- Cultural Heritage Lexicon
- Concluded projects
- NObarriers2Health: Reducing language and cultural barriers through machine translation literacy for inclusive multilingual health communication
- ProPerL2 – Production and Perception in L2 speech learning
- Western Sephardic Diaspora Roadmap
- ELEXIS – European Lexicographic Infrastructure
- Humanities Going Digital (HUGOD)
- LL2DS – Linking Linguistics to Data Science
- QuILL – Quality in Language Learning
- Corpus Linguístico & Avatar para a Língua Gestual Portuguesa
- Monitor Corpora. PressCoronaVírus
- Caring Communication: gene therapy in the context of hemophilia
- Com@Rehab – Communication for interactive rehabilitation in virtual reality
- Read4Succeed: Improving migrant, refugee and from deprived neighbourhood children reading skills through an Animal Assisted Reading program
- Project GiroFLE
- ANACOR: A corpus-based approach to anaphora resolution in second language acquisition: beyond the interfaces
- OrthoDef
- European Portuguese-Standard Arab Dictionary
- MOCOLANG-O – MOdélisation COnceptuelle des troubles (du LANGage et de la communication) en Orthophonie
- Romance clitics in diachrony. An integrated approach
- Portuguese Literature Corpus for Distant Reading
- ALPROF – Automatic Assessment of Language Proficiency for Migrant Integration
- Utopia, Food and the Future
- Development of syntactic structures in Portuguese and French monolingual and bilingual acquisition
- The Case of Grammatical Relations
- BlackBox – a Collaborative Platform to Document Performance Composition: from conceptual structures in the backstage to customizable visualizations in the front-end
- Promotion of scientific literacy
- PerGRam – Percursos para o ensino da gramática nos primeiros anos de escolaridade
- Knowledge Organisation Proposal within the scope of infertility: the role of Terminology
- Subordination in Medieval Portuguese
- Crosslinguistic and Crosspopulation approaches to the Acquisition of Dependencies
- Syntactic and lexical factors in processing complexity
- SIERA – Integrating Sina Institute into the European Research Area
- Syntactic Dependencies from 3 to 10
- Events and subevents in Capeverdean
- TKB – Transmedia Knowledge Base for Contemporary Dance
- Research network projects
- ELEXIS Association
- PhraConRep – A Multilingual Repository of Phraseme Constructions in Central and Eastern European Languages
- Y-JustLang – Justice to youth language needs
- ENEOLI – European Network On Lexical Innovation
- Consortium Huma-Num ARIANE
- GRAFE’Maire
- UniDive – Universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language technology
- Metalex – International Metalexicography Network
- @ Cientista Regressa à Escola
- CLIL in Languages Other Than English
- NexusLinguarum – European network for Web-centred linguistic data science
- Distant Reading for European Literary History
- HL2C – Heritage Language Consortium
- KEYSTONE – Semantic Keyword-Based Search on Structures Data Sources
- ARLE – International Association for Research in L1 Education
- ENeL – European Network of e-Lexicography
- GraMaLL – Grasping Meaning Across Languages and Learners
- Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment
- GIRTraduvino – Grupo de Investigación Reconocido sobre la Lengua de la Vid Y el Vino y su Traducción
- Value for Health CoLAB
- Infrastructures
- Services provision