Western Sephardic Diaspora Roadmap
- Project identification: Western Sephardic Diaspora Roadmap (WSD Roadmap)
- Coordination: Carla Vieira (CHAM, NOVA FCSH)
- Researcher at CLUNL: Rute Costa (Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology Group)
- Duration: 2021 – 2023
- Funding: The project has the support of international funds; Chair of Sephardic Studies Alberto Benveniste, University of Lisbon: partner and co-financing institution.
The WSD Roadmap is supported by Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe and developed by the CHAM – Center for the Humanities and the Digital Humanities Lab, both research units of the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with the partnership and co-funding of the Cátedra de Estudos Sefarditas Alberto Benveniste of the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.
Our goals are:
Making primary sources on the Western Sephardic Diaspora more accessible to researchers, archivists, librarians, and interested public;
Diagnosing the state of accessibility, cataloguing, and preservation of documentary collections, and identifying the need for improvements in this respect;
Optimising resources and sharing data with other related projects and platforms;
Encouraging future projects; in particular, those crossing different geographies of the Western Sephardic Diaspora, and using Digital Humanities and Information Science methodologies;
Stimulating the development of Jewish Studies in Portugal.
(Transcribed from the project website)
Carla Vieira (Principal Investigator, CHAM, NOVA FCSH)
Daniel Alves (Co-coordinator, IHC, NOVA FCSH)
Paula Ochôa (Co-coordinator, CHAM, NOVA FCSH)
Danielle Sanches (IHC, NOVA FCSH)
Joana Paulino (IHC, NOVA FCSH)
Maria Aires Carmo (NOVA FCSH)
Miguel Rodrigues Lourenço (CHAM, NOVA FCSH; CESAB, FLUL; CEHR-UCP)
Susana Bastos Mateus (CESAB, FLUL; CIDEHUS–UÉ; CEHR-UCP)
Advisory board:
António Manuel Lopes Andrade (CLLC, University of Aveiro)
Bruno Feitler (UNIFESP)
Carsten L. Wilke (Central European University)
Claude B. Stuczynsli (Bar-Ilan University)
Michael Studemund-Hálevy (University of Hamburg)
Patricia Murrieta-Flores (Lancaster University Digital Humanities Hub)
Rute Costa (CLUNL)
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- Projects
- Ongoing projects
- MultiPoD – Multilingual and Multicultural Spaces for Political Deliberation
- HEREDITARY – HetERogeneous sEmantic Data Integration for guT-brAin interplay
- TCTC – Terminologias Científicas e Técnicas Comuns para a CPLP
- CHAMUÇA – Portuguese and South Asian Lexicon Archive
- e-Term ANCV – Recurso terminológico jurídico-parlamentar digital Assembleia Nacional de Cabo Verde
- EPISTRAN – Epistemic Translation: Towards an Ecology of Knowledges
- DiTo – Didática do Texto
- REDGRAM – Digital Resources for Education – Grammatical Pathways
- iRead4Skills – Intelligent Reading Improvement System for Fundamental and Transversal Skills Development
- Active Citizenship Through Dialogue in Virtual teacher communities
- Heritage Languages go to School: The interplay of (extra)linguistic factors in successful language development
- Investigating the impact of implicit and explicit instruction on phonological acquisition in a second language
- LAUA – Language Attrition and Ultimate Attainment
- CORRELATE – Corpora and Lexical and Terminological Resources
- ANACOREX – Anafora y expresiones referenciales en el bilinguismo: triangulando enfoques de corpus y experimentales
- CoRaLHis – Comparing Romance Languages through History: building a multilingual parallel diachronic corpus (13th-18th C.)
- MorDigital – Digitisation of Diccionario da Lingua Portugueza by António de Morais Silva
- Language and literacy at school – the contribution of metasyntactic abilities to reading comprehension development
- G&T.Comenta
- COVID-19 Collaborative Glossary
- TERMVEST – The Clothing Terminology: European Portuguese version
- Digital Edition of the “Vocabulário Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa” (VOLP-1940)
- PIPALE – Preventive Intervention Project for Learning to Read and Write
- POR Nível – Design and validation of a placement test to PFL
- Cultural Heritage Lexicon
- Concluded projects
- NObarriers2Health: Reducing language and cultural barriers through machine translation literacy for inclusive multilingual health communication
- ProPerL2 – Production and Perception in L2 speech learning
- Western Sephardic Diaspora Roadmap
- ELEXIS – European Lexicographic Infrastructure
- Humanities Going Digital (HUGOD)
- LL2DS – Linking Linguistics to Data Science
- QuILL – Quality in Language Learning
- Corpus Linguístico & Avatar para a Língua Gestual Portuguesa
- Monitor Corpora. PressCoronaVírus
- Caring Communication: gene therapy in the context of hemophilia
- Com@Rehab – Communication for interactive rehabilitation in virtual reality
- Read4Succeed: Improving migrant, refugee and from deprived neighbourhood children reading skills through an Animal Assisted Reading program
- Project GiroFLE
- ANACOR: A corpus-based approach to anaphora resolution in second language acquisition: beyond the interfaces
- OrthoDef
- European Portuguese-Standard Arab Dictionary
- MOCOLANG-O – MOdélisation COnceptuelle des troubles (du LANGage et de la communication) en Orthophonie
- Romance clitics in diachrony. An integrated approach
- Portuguese Literature Corpus for Distant Reading
- ALPROF – Automatic Assessment of Language Proficiency for Migrant Integration
- Utopia, Food and the Future
- Development of syntactic structures in Portuguese and French monolingual and bilingual acquisition
- The Case of Grammatical Relations
- BlackBox – a Collaborative Platform to Document Performance Composition: from conceptual structures in the backstage to customizable visualizations in the front-end
- Promotion of scientific literacy
- PerGRam – Percursos para o ensino da gramática nos primeiros anos de escolaridade
- Knowledge Organisation Proposal within the scope of infertility: the role of Terminology
- Subordination in Medieval Portuguese
- Crosslinguistic and Crosspopulation approaches to the Acquisition of Dependencies
- Syntactic and lexical factors in processing complexity
- SIERA – Integrating Sina Institute into the European Research Area
- Syntactic Dependencies from 3 to 10
- Events and subevents in Capeverdean
- TKB – Transmedia Knowledge Base for Contemporary Dance
- Research network projects
- ELEXIS Association
- PhraConRep – A Multilingual Repository of Phraseme Constructions in Central and Eastern European Languages
- Y-JustLang – Justice to youth language needs
- ENEOLI – European Network On Lexical Innovation
- Consortium Huma-Num ARIANE
- GRAFE’Maire
- UniDive – Universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language technology
- Metalex – International Metalexicography Network
- @ Cientista Regressa à Escola
- CLIL in Languages Other Than English
- NexusLinguarum – European network for Web-centred linguistic data science
- Distant Reading for European Literary History
- HL2C – Heritage Language Consortium
- KEYSTONE – Semantic Keyword-Based Search on Structures Data Sources
- ARLE – International Association for Research in L1 Education
- ENeL – European Network of e-Lexicography
- GraMaLL – Grasping Meaning Across Languages and Learners
- Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment
- GIRTraduvino – Grupo de Investigación Reconocido sobre la Lengua de la Vid Y el Vino y su Traducción
- Value for Health CoLAB
- Infrastructures
- Services provision