Afonso, Ana; Rosa, Catarina; Miguel, Joana; Matos, João de; Dinis Fernandes, João; Ribeiro, Maria; Monteiro, Ricardo; Pereira, Ronan; Vocásek, Tibor; Li, Xinyi, eds. (2024). XVIII Fórum de Partilha Linguística: Livro de Resumos. Lisboa: CLUNL | NOVA FCSH.
Amaro, Raquel (2024). Health literacy and language teaching: data-based host language lexicons // Literacia em saúde e ensino de língua: léxicos de língua de acolhimento baseados em dados. Linha D’Água, 37(2), pp.136-160. eISSN 2236-4242.
Amaro, Raquel, coord.; Barbero, Chiara; Barbosa, Sílvia, eds., (2024). Caderno de exercícios. Ensinar com o dicionário: informações linguísticas e lexicográficas para ensino de Português. Lisboa: IILP; CLUNL.
Barbero, Chiara; Amaro, Raquel (2024). Are We Talking about the Same Thing? Modeling Semantic Similarity between Common and Specialized Lexica in WordNet. Languages, 9(3), pp.1-19. ISSN 2226-471X.
Bennet, Sophie; Dinis Fernandes, João; Correia, Susana; Monaghan, Padraic; Rebuschat, Patrick (2024). The inter-relationship between word learning, native phonology and production practice through cross-situational statistics. [Poster]. The 33rd Conference of the European Second Language Association, Montpellier, France, July 3-6, 2024.
Braz, Ana (2024). Convergências e divergências nas mensagens de Natal de António Costa e de Jair Bolsonaro. In: A. Ciama, S.A. Stefan, eds., Convergências e divergências no espaço ibero-americano: Estudos linguísticos e didáticos. Bucareste: Editura Universitati din Bucuresti, pp.45-60. ISBN 9786061614318.
Braz, Ana; Teletin, Andreea (2024). L´infinitif personnel en portugais européen. Les Langues Néo-Latines, 1(408). pp. 47-61. ISSN 0184-7570.
Correia, Liliana; Lobo, Maria; Flores, Cristina (2024). Sentence repetition task for European Portuguese: results from a study with monolingual and Portuguese-German bilingual children. Language Acquisition [June 2024], pp.1-31. eISSN 1532-7817.
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Coutinho, Antónia; Diewald, Gabriele; Muelas-Gil, Marías, eds. (2024). Introduction – Language and Gender: Perspectives and Challenges. ex æquo, 49 [dossier: “Linguagem e género: perspectivas e desafios | Language and Gender: Perspectives and Challenges”], pp.11-17. eISSN 2184-0385.
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Di Nunzio, Giorgio Maria; Costa, Rute; Vezzani, Federica, eds. (2024). Languages, 9(3) [special issue: Terminology in the Digital World]. ISSN 2226-471X.
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Duarte Martins, Susana (2024). O mundo do trabalho: materiais didáticos para o desenvolvimento de cursos de português para fins específicos no domínio dos negócios. In: G. N. Forte, L. Y. Matsumoto, Camilla Wootton Villela, orgs., Sequências Didáticas do V Congresso Online de PLE do Grupo Sou Brasil. São Paulo: Editora GNF, vol. 2, pp. 348-359. ISBN 978-65-85152-04-4.
Faustino, Ana Rita (forthcoming). Portuguese English as a Foreign Language Learners’ and Teachers’ Beliefs in Relation to Corrective Feedback. E-TEALS. CETAPS, NOVA FCSH.
Fiéis, Alexandra; Madeira, Ana (2024). Control, restructuring and temporal interpretation: a view from Portuguese. Isogloss, 10(4), pp.1-10. ISSN 2385-4138.
Guijarro Fuentes, Pedro; Madeira, Ana (forthcoming). L2 Deficits or Delays? Acquisition of residual object drop in L2 Spanish. In: P. Barbosa, C. Flores, A. C. Silva, Eva-Maria Roessler, eds., Null objects from a crosslinguistic and developmental perspective. John Benjamins.
Guilherme, Ana (2024). ‘Fostes tu?’: Analogical Change in European Portuguese and the Case of the Second Person Singular in the Simple Past (Indicative). Languages, 9(5), 176, ISSN 2226-471X.
Khan, Fahad; Salgado, Ana; Anuradha, Isuri; Costa, Rute; Liyange, Chamila; McCrae, John P.; Ojha, Atul Kr.; Rani, Priya; Frontini, Francesca (2024). CHAMUÇA: Towards a Linked Data Language Resource of Portuguese Borrowings in Asian Languages. In: C. Chiarcos et al., eds., The 9th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Resources, Applications, Best Practices (LDL-2024) @LREC-COLING-2024. ELRA Language Resource Association, pp.44-48. ISBN 978-2-493814-38-8.
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Leal, António: Lobo, Maria; Silvano, Purificação (2024). Como-gerund clauses in European Portuguese: figuring out the riddle. Isogloss, 10(3), pp.1-29. ISSN 2385-4138.
Lira, Rosane; Lobo, Maria; Sicuro Corrêa, Letícia M. (forthcoming). Animacy and schooling in the production of null objects and accusative clitics in the acquisition of two varieties of Portuguese. In: In: P. Barbosa, C. Flores, A. C. Silva, Eva-Maria Roessler, eds., Null objects from a crosslinguistic and developmental perspective. Series Language Faculty and Beyond. John Benjamins.
Lobo, Maria (2024). A gradient typology of gerund clauses: revisiting the internal and external syntax of Portuguese gerund clauses. Probus, 36(2) [Special issue “Comparative syntax across grammars and structures”]. eISSN 1613-4079; ISSN 0921-4771.
Lobo, Maria; Batalha, Joana; Estrela, Antónia; Bragança, Bruna (2024). Syntactic complexity in early written development. In: M. Weicker, R. Lemmer, A. Listanti, A. Grimm, eds., Empirical and theoretical approaches to language acquisition: a generative perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 88-106. ISBN 978-1-0364-0853-4.
Madeira, Ana; Fiéis, Alexandra; Teixeira, Joana. Anaphora resolution in L2 European Portuguese: Animacy effects and the position of the antecedent. Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 18, pp.12-33. ISSN 2352-0531.
Martins, Ana; Velez, Luís; Nunes, Isabel L.; Giordano, Ana Paula; Semedo, Helena; Vital, Clara; Silva, Raquel; Coelho, Pedro; Londral, Ana (2024). A conversational agent for enhanced Self-Management after cardiothoracic surgery. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 192, pp.1-8. ISSN 1872-8243.
Muniz-Lima, Isabel; Glück Eduardo; Gonçalves Matilde (forthcoming). Tecnodiscursividade, divulgação científica e Letramento Digital no ecossistema Twitter: análise de estratégias Tecnolinguageiras no perfil @mellziland. In: R. Cássia, L. Borges, V. Zacchi, eds., Estudos na Linguística Aplicada: discursos e formação docente. Alagoas: PPGLL|UFAL.
Pereira, Ronan (forthcoming). Third person accusative clitic pronouns as object agreement marks in Brazilian Portuguese: Data from an experimental study. Diadorim. eISSN 2675-1216; ISSN 1980-2552.
Ribeiro, Hermínia; Cruz, Eduardo Brazete; Castro, Ana; Rodrigues, Ana; Heleno, Bruno; Dias, Teresa L.; Pires, Diogo (2024). Cross-cultural adaptation and reliability of the European Portuguese version of the Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire: A methodological study. PLoS ONE, 19(8), pp.1-12. ISSN 1932-6203.
Salgado, Ana; Costa, Rute (2024). Enhancing Lexicographic Work with Terminological Methods. In: T. Margalitadze, ed., Proceedings of the I International Conference “Lexicography in the XXI century” (2023): Lexicography – by combining traditional methods and modern technologies. Tbilisi: Centre for Lexicography and Language Technologies, Ilia State University, pp.15-26.
Salgado, Ana et al. (2024). The Morais Dictionary: Following Best Practices in a Retro-digitized Dictionary Project. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 18(1), pp.125-147. eISSN 1755-1706.
Santos, Ana Lúcia; Lobo, Maria; Grolla, Elaine (forthcoming). L1 Acquisition. In: Ana M. Carvalho, L. Oushiro, eds., The Oxford Handbook of the Portuguese Language. Oxford University Press.
Silva, Carolina; Quaresma, Cláudia; Silva, Raquel; Carvalho, Sara; Costa, Rute; Fernández, Miguel; Fonseca, Miguel; Pinto de Sousa, Andreia; Londral, Ana; Fonseca, Micaela (2024). Com@Rehab: An Interactive and Personalised Rehabilitation Activity Based on Virtual Reality. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies – HEALTHINF. SciTePress, pp.776-788. ISBN 978-989-758-688-0; ISSN 2184-4305.
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Silva, Raquel; Carvalho, Sara, eds. (2024). Linha D’Água, 37(2) [thematic issue: Linguística e letramento(s) em saúde: cruzando perspectivas]. e-ISSN 2236-4242.
Tavares, Gabriela; Correia, Susana; Deme, Andrea (2024). L2 vowel and stress acquisition: results from a perceptual training at the onset of learning. [Poster]. The 33rd Conference of the European Second Language Association, Montpellier, France, July 3-6, 2024.
Teixeira, Joana; Fiéis, Alexandra; Madeira, Ana (2024). Are non-native speakers sensitive to microvariation in anaphora resolution? The case of Italian and Spanish learners of L2 European Portuguese. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism [online first]. e-ISSN 1879-9272.
Vezzani, Federica; Costa, Rute (2024). Variation in psycopathological terminology. A case of study on Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Terminology 30(1), pp. 81-106. e-ISSN 1569-9994.