Assessment instrument PIPALE 1
The Assessment instrument PIPALE 1 was the result of a collaboration between a team of researchers from the Linguistics Center of NOVA University Lisbon and kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers and special education teachers from the school groups that took part in the PIPALE project in the 2019-2020 school year, Agrupamento de Escolas Navegador Rodrigues Soromenho and Agrupamento de Escolas de Quinta do Conde.
The instrument is aimed at children in the last year of pre-school and students in the 1st and 2nd years of school.
The domains assessed are as follows:
Booklet 1 – phonological awareness and word awareness
Booklet 2 – syntactic knowledge and syntactic awareness
Booklet 3 – emergent literacy
Booklet 4 – reading and writing
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- Assessment instrument PIPALE 1
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