DLP – Portuguese Language Dictionary
The Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa (“Portuguese Language Dictionary”) of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon is coordinated by Ana Salgado, researcher at NOVA CLUNL and president of the Institute of Lexicology and Lexicography of the Portuguese Language (ILLLP). The digital version of the academic dictionary, based on the lexicographic work published in 2001, the Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa Contemporânea (“Contemporary Portuguese Language Dictionary”), coordinated by Malaca Casteleiro, was published in April 2023 and is constantly being updated.
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- Corpora
- Lexicons, Dictionaries, Glossaries
- BDTT-AR – Terminological and Textual Database for the Portuguese Parliament
- Dicionário de Abreviaturas Digitais
- DLP – Portuguese Language Dictionary
- Multilingual Multidomain Dictionary
- DVPM – The Dictionary of Medieval Portuguese Verbs
- COVID-19 Collaborative Glossary
- Multilingual Terminological Glossaries for specific purposes within the Community of Portuguese Language Countries
- Basic terms in speech and language pathology diagnosis
- Ontologies
- Training material
- Other
- BILP – Bibliography of Portuguese Linguistics database
- Workbook: Ensinar com o dicionário: informações linguísticas e lexicográficas para ensino de Português
- CORPORART_GRAMM_IT_1.0: CORPORART Semantic Word Sketch Grammar for Italian
- CORPORART_GRAMM_PT_1.1: CORPORART Semantic Word Sketch Grammar for European Portuguese
- Assessment instrument PIPALE 1
- Práticas de texto