OntoAndalus is an ontology of pottery artefacts of al-Andalus, a relevant topic in Islamic archaeological studies in Spain and Portugal. The purpose of OntoAndalus is to further knowledge in the domain and to facilitate the development of a multilingual terminological resource based on formal descriptions or definitions of concepts and other units of knowledge.
OntoAndalus is being developed in OWL. It is presently aligned with the DOLCE+DnS Ultralite top-level ontology.
Work carried out in the context of a PhD project funded by the FCT – Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia (Portugal). Studentship no. PD/BD/105765/2014.
Almeida, Bruno and Costa, Rute (2021). OntoAndalus: An ontology of Islamic artefacts for terminological purposes. Semantic Web Journal, 12(2), pp.295-311. ISSN 1570-0844 (P); ISSN 2210-4968 (E).
Almeida, Bruno and Costa, Rute (2020). Towards a terminological knowledge base on Islamic archaeology: linguistic and conceptual aspects. In: C. Marinica et al., eds., Atelier DAHLIA. DigitAl Humanities and cuLtural herItAge: data and knowledge management and analysis. [PDF] Bruxelas. Available at: http://dahlia.egc.asso.fr/actes_atelier_DAHLIA2020.pdf [Accessed 28 Jan. 2020].
Almeida, Bruno; Roche, Christophe and Costa, Rute (2017). Archaeological classification and ontoterminology: the case of Islamic archaeology of the al-Andalus. In: C. Roche, ed., TOTh 2017: Terminologie & Ontologie: Théories et Applications. [PDF] Chambéry: Éditions de l’université de Savoie Mont Blanc, pp.221-236. Available at: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01826942 [Accessed 25 July 2019]. ISBN 9782919732807.
Almeida, Bruno; Costa, Rute and Roche, Christophe (2016). Terminology and Ontology development in the domain of Islamic archaeology. In: H. E. Thomsen, A. Pareja-Lora e B. N. Madsen, eds., Term Bases and Linguistic Linked Open Data. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering (TKE 2016). [PDF] Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School, pp.147-156. Available at: http://openarchive.cbs.dk/handle/10398/9323 [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017]. ISBN 978-879991790-7.
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