Basic terms in speech and language pathology diagnosis
Termes de base du diagnostic orthophonique is a resource consisting of a list of 45 lexical units considered fundamental for the diagnosis of speech and language pathologies, constituting a non-exhaustive extract of the vocabulary in use in 2020.
These terms were carefully selected and the list was validated by therapists and students of speech therapy as representative of this practice in 2019.
The list, originally developed in French, was submitted to two bilingual speech therapy specialists, one British native and one Portugal native, to validate the correspondence of equivalents in British English and European Portuguese.
This resource was developed within the MOCOLANG-O project.
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- Basic terms in speech and language pathology diagnosis
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- CORPORART_GRAMM_IT_1.0: CORPORART Semantic Word Sketch Grammar for Italian
- CORPORART_GRAMM_PT_1.1: CORPORART Semantic Word Sketch Grammar for European Portuguese
- Assessment instrument PIPALE 1
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