Multilingual Multidomain Dictionary
The Multilingual Multidomain Dictionary is a database created from the work developed by the students of UC Terminology (NOVA FCSH) during the 1st semester of the academic year 2022-2023 (1st cycle of studies). The terminological data that make up the records were extracted from specialised corpora compiled by the students. The domains of the glossaries developed in class were chosen by the members of each working group.
This resource was developed under the scope of the project Humanities Going Digital (HUGOD) [2020-1-CZ01-KA226-HE-094363], funded by Erasmus+ programme.
Menu < back
- Corpora
- Lexicons, Dictionaries, Glossaries
- BDTT-AR – Terminological and Textual Database for the Portuguese Parliament
- Dicionário de Abreviaturas Digitais
- DLP – Portuguese Language Dictionary
- Multilingual Multidomain Dictionary
- DVPM – The Dictionary of Medieval Portuguese Verbs
- COVID-19 Collaborative Glossary
- Multilingual Terminological Glossaries for specific purposes within the Community of Portuguese Language Countries
- Basic terms in speech and language pathology diagnosis
- Ontologies
- Training material
- Other
- BILP – Bibliography of Portuguese Linguistics database
- Workbook: Ensinar com o dicionário: informações linguísticas e lexicográficas para ensino de Português
- CORPORART_GRAMM_IT_1.0: CORPORART Semantic Word Sketch Grammar for Italian
- CORPORART_GRAMM_PT_1.1: CORPORART Semantic Word Sketch Grammar for European Portuguese
- Assessment instrument PIPALE 1
- Práticas de texto