GRATO 2023
Continuity and Challenges in Grammar & Text
8th International Conference on Grammar & Text
Lisbon, 28, 29, 30 June 2023
School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University Lisbon (NOVA FCSH)
Focusing on the interrelation between Grammar, Text and Discourse, the 8th International Conference on Grammar & Text (GRATO 2023) builds on CONTINUITY to find (new) CHALLENGES for the work that is carried out in the field of Linguistics.
GRATO 2023 is organised around three indisputable and notable names of Portuguese Linguistics – Fátima Oliveira, Fernanda Irene Fonseca and Ivo de Castro. Each of the plenary sessions to be held will focus on the respective area of expertise, in an interpellation format, in dialogue with the research that is carried out by the Grammar & Text research group. By favouring this perspective, it is expected that the work presented at GRATO 2023 shall create an effective space for building knowledge, through debate and interaction, creativity and intervention.
Download the program here and the event poster here.
Fátima Oliveira (Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto): “A Semântica é possível?”
Fernanda Irene Fonseca (Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto): “Tempo(s), narração e memória na poesia de Eugénio de Andrade”
Ivo de Castro (Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa): “ChatGPT_ivo”
Download here.
To enrol, please fill in the form available here and consider the following payment information.
Please, be aware that enrolment will only be validated after reception of your confirmation of transaction at
Registration fees
Professors and Researchers: 90€
Students: 45€
CLUNL Members: free
Payment can be made by 1 of the following options:
Option 1 – Bank transfer:
IBAN: PT50 0018 000321419114020 13
Banco Santander Totta S.A.
Holder: FCSH – Univ. Nova de Lisboa
CIF / VAT number: 501559094
Address: Av. Berna 26 C, Lisboa 1069-061
Afterwards, please send the confirmation of transaction to
Option 2 – Paypal:
Send payment to the account:
In the transfer details, you should specify “GRATO 2023 – NOVA CLUNL”.
Afterwards, please send the confirmation of transaction to
Please, be aware that enrolment will only be validated after reception of your confirmation of transaction at
Refund is not possible.
Types of participation and submission of abstracts
Proposals will be accepted for the following formats:
- Paper Presentations
- Thematic Sessions
Abstracts may be submitted in one of the Conference languages: Portuguese, Spanish, French or English.
Paper Presentations will be 20 minutes in length followed by 10 minutes of discussion; the Thematic Sessions will include a maximum of 4 presentations followed by discussion, with a total duration of 2 hours.
In order to ensure diversity, each author may submit a maximum of two proposals, being allowed to be the first author in only one of them.
Proposals for Paper Presentations should include:
- title;
- name(s) of the author(s);
- affiliation;
- 5 keywords (maximum);
- abstract of 300 to 500 words, explaining the objectives, concepts, theoretical framework and methodology on which the work to be presented is based;
- 5 bibliographical references (maximum).
Proposals for Thematic Sessions should include:
- name of the person responsible for the session;
- topic;
- name(s) of the author(s);
- affiliation;
- 5 keywords (maximum);
- abstract of each of the papers (one of the abstracts being that of the person responsible for the session), with 300 to 500 words, explaining the objectives, concepts, theoretical framework and methodology on which the work to be presented is based and 5 bibliographical references (maximum).
Proposals submission:
Abstract proposals should be submitted at:
Important dates
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 April 2023 30 April 2023
Notification of acceptance by the Scientific Committee: 15 May 2023 31 May 2023
Download here:
- Chamada de resumos (PDF)
- Call for Papers (PDF)
- Appel à résumés (PDF)
- Convocatoria para envío de resúmenes (PDF)
Scientific Committee
Alexandra Guedes Pinto (FLUP/CLUP) | António Leal (FLUP/CLUP) | Augusto Soares da Silva (Universidade Católica Portuguesa) | Carlos Gouveia (FLUL/ CELGA-ILTEC) | Célia Lopes (UFRJ) | Ecaterina Bulea-Bronckart (Université de Genève) | Eulália Leurquin (Universidade Federal do Ceará) | Fátima Silva (FLUP/CLUP) | Florencia Miranda (Universidad Nacional de Rosario) | Helena Topa Valentim (NOVA FCSH/CLUNL) | Isabel Margarida Duarte (FLUP/CLUP) | Isabelle Simões Marques (UAb/CLUNL) | Joana Vieira Santos (FLUC/CELGA- ILTEC) | José António Souto Cabo (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) | Luís Filipe Cunha (CLUP) | Maria Aldina Marques (Universidade do Minho) | Maria do Céu Caetano (NOVA FCSH /CLUNL) | Maria Teresa Brocardo (NOVA FCSH/CLUNL) | Martin Becker (Universität zu Köln) | Matilde Gonçalves (NOVA FCSH/CLUNL) | Noémia Jorge (IPLeiria/CLUNL) | Óscar Loureda (Universität Heidelberg) | Paulo Nunes da Silva (UAb/CELGA-ILTEC) | Rui Ramos (Universidade do Minho/CIEC-UM) | Sónia Valente Rodrigues (FLUP/CLUP) | Susana Pereira (ESELx /IPL) | Telmo Móia (FLUL/CLUL)
Organising Committee
Antónia Coutinho (NOVA FCSH/CLUNL) | Clara Nunes Correia (NOVA FCSH/CLUNL) | Isabel Roboredo Seara (Universidade Aberta/CLUNL) | Marta Fidalgo (NOVA FCSH/CLUNL) |Teresa Oliveira (Politécnico de Portalegre/CLUNL)
Support staff member: Inês Felício (CLUNL secretariat)
Contact email address:
Menu < back
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- GRATO – International Conference on Grammar & Text
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- Indeterminação
- (Des)confinar a linguagem: práticas gramaticais, textuais e discursivas
- Voltar a falar em Gramática & Texto
- Linguística & Texto Literário
- Oficina de trabalho: Que faremos com este texto?
- (Novos) Balanços e perspetivas
- Comente o seguinte texto
- Representação em Gramática & Texto
- Linhas, espaços e fronteiras