Jornadas dos Dicionários 2023
4th edition
Didactic uses of the Dictionary
Lisbon, November 17, 2023
NOVA University Lisbon (on site & on line)
The Dictionaries Conference aims to bring together specialists and professionals in the areas of lexicology and lexicography to disseminate and discuss current and relevant themes and lines of research, as well as the presentation of new products and lexicographic resources, focusing on a particular sub-area in each edition.
Under the motto “Didactic Uses of the Dictionary”, in 2023, we invite linguists and language scientists, education specialists and dictionary editors to reflect on the construction, use, and/or function of the dictionary as a didactic instrument and resource.
See the program.
Sven Tarp
Aarhus University, Denmark
Sven Tarp is professor of Spanish and head of the Centre for Lexicography at Aarhus University (Denmark), and extraordinary professor at the Department of Afrikaans and Dutch at Stellenbosch University (South Africa). With a PhD in specialised lexicography and a doctor’s degree in learners’ lexicography, he is the editor and co-editor of several specialised dictionaries and has published numerous articles in journals and well-known series. He is one of the founders of the Function Theory of Lexicography. His areas of research include specialised and general lexicography and the didactic role of dictionaries in language teaching. He is currently conducting research on the development of a set of bilingual, lexicography-supported and AI-based writing assistants for learners of Spanish.
Alexandra Feldekircher Müller & Maria da Graça Krieger
UNISINOS, Brazil UFRGS, Brazil
Alexandra Feldekircher Müller is a researcher at the Letec – UNIFACVEST research group in Brazil. She holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the graduate Program in Applied Linguistics of UNISINOS, in association with the Institute of Theoretical and Computational Linguistics of Lisbon, and a Master’s degree in Letters from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS. During her career, she was vice-leader of the research group Termilex Group of Studies in Terminology and Lexicography at UNISINOS. She was a professor for more than ten years at UNISINOS. She published the book Dictionary at school: a didactic manual for classroom use. [“Dicionário na escola: manual didático para o uso em sala de aula”]. She was a member of the Executive Committee of RITerm and has published several papers in the field of dictionaries and language learning.
Maria da Graça Krieger is a former professor of Portuguese Language at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), in Brazil. She holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics and Semiotics from the University of São Paulo and completed her post-doctorate in Terminology at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain. Among many other activities, she served as a member of the Technical Committee for the Didactic Book National Program (PNLD 2006) of the Ministry of Education of Brazil, with responsibilities in the area of Dictionaries; she was a member of the Technical Commission of the National Textbook Program (PNLD 2006), of the Brazilian Ministry of Education, responsible for the area of dictionaries; she was representative of Linguistics at the National Research Council (CNPq); founder of the Termisul Group (UFRGS) and President of RITERM. She represented Brazil in the Scientific Committee of REALITER, the Pan-Latin Network of Terminology. She is a member of the Scientific Councils of Brazilian scientific journals such as the Abralin journal. Her areas of expertise include portuguese language and linguistics, with a primary focus on terminology, lexicography, pedagogical lexicography, and terminography.
Christina Dechamps
NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal
Christina Dechamps is an assistant professor at the Modern Languages, Cultures and Literature Department, at Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon, where she teaches Didactics of French, Translation and French Language. She holds a Master and a PhD in Linguistics in the field of Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology from the NOVA University Lisbon. She is an integrated member of CLUNL – Linguistics Research Centre of NOVA University Lisbon, where she does research in the fields of terminology and legal translation and teaching/learning french as a foreign language, particularly for specific purposes.
Thomi Dalpanagioti
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Dr Thomi Dalpanagioti is a Laboratory Teaching Fellow at the School of English at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where she teaches linguistics and research methodology courses. She holds an MA and a PhD in Lexicography from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has worked as an adjunct researcher at the Centre for the Greek Language and as an adjunct lecturer at the Hellenic Open University and the University of Nicosia. She develops research in the areas of lexicology, (monolingual/ bilingual) lexicography and vocabulary acquisition, focusing on applications of cognitive linguistics and corpus linguistics. She has been the recipient of A.S. Hornby Dictionary Research Award 2022.
Important dates
Conference: November 17, 2023 (on site & on line)
Final/camera-ready version: February 29, 2024
The Conference will take place in hybrid mode (on site & on line) on November 17, 2023, at NOVA University Lisbon, Campus de Campolide, Colégio Almada Negreiros, auditorium 209, Lisbon.
Registration is free, but registration is madatory.
Register here.
For further information, please contact:
Scientific Committee
Alexandra Feldekircher Müller (UNISINOS, Brazil)
Alina Villalva (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Álvaro Iriarte Sanromán (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
Ana Isabel Andrade (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
Ana Paula Banza (Universidade de Évora, Portugal)
Annette Klosa-Kückelhaus (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Germany)
Christina Dechamps (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal)
Clara Ferrão Tavares (IP Santarém, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
Cristina Sá (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
Davi B. Albuquerque (Faculdade de Línguas Estrangeiras da Universidade de Nankai, China)
Filomena Martins (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
Helena Araújo e Sá (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
João Paulo Silvestre (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
Lucimara Alves Costa (Universidade Federal de Rondônia, Brazil)
María Concepción Maldonado González (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Maria da Graça Krieger (UNISINOS, Brazil)
Maria Filomena Gonçalves (Universidade de Évora, Portugal)
Paz Battaner (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, & Real Academia Española, Spain)
Pilar León Araúz (University of Granada, Spain)
Rogelio Ponce de León Romero (Universidade do Porto, Portugal)
Rute Costa (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal)
Telmo Verdelho (Universidade de Aveiro & Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, Portugal)
Organizing Committee (NOVA FCSH/CLUNL)
Ana Salgado
Karima Fangour
Fátima Ferreira
Olga Heitor
Raquel Amaro
Sílvia Barbosa
Inês Felício (secretariat)
With the support:
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- GALA 16 – 16th Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition Conference
- GRATO – International Conference on Grammar & Text
- ISD 2025
- Jornadas dos Dicionários
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- WGT – Work(shops) on Grammar & Text
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- (Des)confinar a linguagem: práticas gramaticais, textuais e discursivas
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