GRATO 2017
5th International Conference on Grammar and Text
Lisboa, June 28-30, 2017
School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon (NOVA FCSH)
The International Conference on Grammar and Text (GRATO) is held, on a biannual basis, since 2009, by the ‘Grammar & Text’ research Group (from NOVA Linguistics Centre – Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa). We are pleased to announce the 5th GRATO conference, which will be organized in 2007, around three main topics:
Grammar & Grammaticalization: we invite the submission of papers addressing grammatical phenomena from various theoretical and methodological perspectives. We thus expect to promote the debate of both ‘grammar’ and / or ‘grammaticalization” topics which may enhance the study of natural languages’ forms and constructions.
Text & Textualization: we invite the submission of papers that deal with ‘text’ as both a process and a product, aiming at the characterization of different manners of ‘making text’. The proposals should analyse text classes or specific texts, pointing out the connection between relevant contextual and linguistic aspects and showing the praxeological and gnoseological functioning related to language activity.
Discourse and Discursivity: papers are invited which deal with the concept of utterance as a linguistic-discursive unit, showing the relations between discourse, production conditions and social action, and emphasising the discursivity process as a permanent co-construction of forms and contents. We welcome papers related to one of the above topics and also contributions which propose links between those topics.
When and where?
GRATO 2017 will take place on 28-30 June 2017 at NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa | Avenida de Berna, 26 C, 1069-061, Lisboa, Portugal.
Plenary Speakers
Martin Becker | University of Cologne
Gilles Philippe | Université de Lausanne
Patrick Charaudeau | Université Paris 13
Scientific Committee
Ana Cristina Macário Lopes | Universidade de Coimbra
Augusto Soares da Silva | Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Carlos Gouveia | Universidade de Lisboa
Célia Lopes | University of S. Paulo
Ecaterina Bulea-Bronckart | Université de Genève
Florencia Miranda | Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Gilles Philippe | Université de Lausanne
Guiomar Ciapuscio | University of Buenos Aires
Helena Carreira | Université Paris 8
Isabel Margarida Duarte | Universidade do Porto
Isabel Seara | Universidade Aberta
Jasmina Markič | University of Ljubljana
José António Souto Cabo | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
José Pinto de Lima | Universidade de Lisboa
Maria Aldina Marques | University of Minho
Martin Becker | University of Cologne
Michèle Monte | University of Toulon
Patrick Charaudeau | Université Paris 13
Paulo Nunes da Silva | Universidade Aberta
Organizing Committee
Clara Nunes Correia | Linguistics Research Centre of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (CLUNL) / Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (NOVA FCSH)
Isabel Sebastião | FCT/CLUNL/CLUP
Isabelle Simões Marques | CLUNL/UAb
Maria Antónia Coutinho | CLUNL/NOVA FCSH
Maria Teresa Brocardo | CLUNL/NOVA FCSH
Matilde Gonçalves | FCT/CLUNL/NOVA FCSH
For further information, please contact:
Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (NOVA FCSH)
Av. de Berna, 26-C, 1069-061, Lisboa (Portugal)
Menu < back
- GALA 16 – 16th Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition Conference
- GRATO – International Conference on Grammar & Text
- ISD 2025
- Jornadas dos Dicionários
- JIL – International Conference on Lexiculturology
- LSP 2022 – 23rd International Conference on Languages for Specific Purposes
- MDTT 2023 – 2nd International Conference on Multilingual Digital Terminology Today
- WGT – Work(shops) on Grammar & Text (new series)
- WGT – Work(shops) on Grammar & Text
- Indeterminação
- (Des)confinar a linguagem: práticas gramaticais, textuais e discursivas
- Voltar a falar em Gramática & Texto
- Linguística & Texto Literário
- Oficina de trabalho: Que faremos com este texto?
- (Novos) Balanços e perspetivas
- Comente o seguinte texto
- Representação em Gramática & Texto
- Linhas, espaços e fronteiras