Procedures and Criteria for Scientific Productivity
Table of contents
I. General obligations of CLUNL members
II. General rights of CLUNL integrated members
III. Criteria for obtaining and maintaining CLUNL membership
IV. Procedures for maintaining and making available CLUNL productivity data
V. Procedures for reporting affiliation and funding
VI. Language policy in publications
VII. Productivity indicators
I. General obligations of CLUNL members
The integrated members of the Linguistics Research Centre of NOVA University Lisbon (CLUNL) have the obligation to:
1. Know and respect CLUNL’s Statutes, as well as its Ethical Commitments and these Procedures and Criteria for Scientific Productivity.
2. Keep their PURE profile, CIÊNCIAVITAE CV and ORCID ID up to date1.
3. Always refer to their affiliation with CLUNL in accordance with the information provided in Section V.
4. Meet the minimum productivity criteria that will allow them to be evaluated on merit and maintain their status as an Integrated Member in accordance with the conditions established in Section III.
5. Make their productivity data available for the preparation of annual activity reports and plans.
6. Participate in CLUNL’s research activities, including fundraising through applications for project funding, actions to publicise CLUNL’s activities, hosting students and researchers from other institutions, among others.
1 PURE –
II. General rights of CLUNL’s integrated members
Integrated members of CLUNL shall have the right to:
1. Participate in the decisions of the research unit in accordance with the provisions of the Statutes.
2. Use CLUNL’s facilities and equipment.
3. Have access to funding for their research activities, within the framework of the multiannual basic funding allocated by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) to the Research Units in accordance with the financial implementation rules in force and according to the availability and distribution of the resources of their Research Group, approved by CLUNL’s Scientific Council, namely for:
a) transport, accommodation, and registration to present a paper at a scientific meeting;
b) transport, accommodation, and registration to attend scientific training courses, duly justified, with an intervention or communication that falls within the unit’s funding objectives;
c) the purchase of technical or scientific software necessary for carrying out their activities;
d) submitting scientific articles of their own authorship, in compliance with the FCT publication rules and with DOI;
e) translation or proofreading of scientific articles in a foreign language.
4.Be supported by the Principal Investigator of their research group and CLUNL Steering Committee in the planning and execution of their research activities within the framework of the research objectives of the Unit.
5. Be supported by CLUNL’s General Office and the Research Support Unit of the NOVA FCSH in the preparation and execution of research activities, including project management, submission of project proposals for funding and organisation of scientific or training events within the framework of the research objectives of the Unit.
6. Participate, free of charge, in scientific and training events organised by CLUNL.
III. Criteria for obtaining and maintaining CLUNL membership
1. CLUNL membership as an integrated PhD member is decided by CLUNL’s Scientific Council in accordance with Article 4(1) of its Statutes.
2. CLUNL membership as an integrated member without a PhD shall be approved by CLUNL’s Steering Committee in accordance with Article 4(1) of its Statutes.
3. The maintenance of the status of CLUNL integrated PhD member requires the presentation of at least three productivity indicators (among A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and/or J) described in Section VII for the previous calendar biennium.
4. The maintenance of the status of CLULN integrated member without PhD implies the positive opinion of the principal investigator in charge of the research group and/or of the member supervising the activities of the integrated member without a PhD.
5. Integrated PhD members who do not fulfil the criteria mentioned in point 3 for two consecutive years may be invited to become CLUNL collaborators or to leave the Research Unit, in accordance with article 16.3 of the Statutes.
IV. Procedures for maintaining and making available CLUNL productivity data
1. CLUNL members’ data will be processed, stored and disseminated in order to fulfil the Research Unit’s legal obligations to the FCT and to pursue its research objectives, always with the members’ consent and in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.
2. Productivity data obtained from the CVs of CLUNL members will be reviewed and verified by the members and collected by the Research Unit for processing, dissemination and use in its annual activity reports.
3. In accordance with CLUNL’s Ethical Commitments to Open Science, CLUNL members must organise and preserve the data generated and processed as part of their research projects.
4. The scientific output of CLUNL members funded in whole or in part by the FCT must be made available via Open Access. Where appropriate, research results must be assigned a DOI.
5. References to scientific production related to CLUNL in the CVs of CLUNL members of CÊNCIAVITAE must be made available with a privacy level of ‘Public’ or ‘Semi-Public’, with access permission granted to FCT.
V. Procedures for reporting affiliation and funding
1. In any scientific publication, CLUNL members must indicate their institutional affiliation and any relevant financial support in one of the following ways:
PT: Este trabalho/Parte deste trabalho/O trabalho de (nome investigador/a) é financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do projeto UID/03213 – Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (CLUNL).
EN: This research/Part of this research/The research of (name of researcher) is supported by the Portuguese national funding through the FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. as part of the project UID/03213 – Linguistics Research Centre of NOVA University Lisbon (CLUNL).
2. Where applicable, the specific code of the FCT project and/or grant should also be indicated.
VI. Language policy in publications
1. In line with the academic and scientific project of NOVA FCSH and considering the importance and international dimension of Portuguese as a language of science, CLUNL recognises Portuguese as a language of international publication and supports its affirmation in a globalised world.
VII. Productivity indicators
1. For the purpose of maintaining the status of CLUNL integrated PhD member, the following indicators of scientific productivity shall apply:
A. Authorship or co-authorship of an internationally or nationally published book and/or book chapter with peer review;
B. Authorship or co-authorship of a scientific article in an indexed journal;
C. Authorship or co-authorship of an article in blind peer-reviewed proceedings of an indexed conference;
D. Editing or co-editing a special issue of an international indexed journal;
E. Editing or co-editing a book in an indexed publication;
F. Authorship or co-authorship and provision of open access language resources;
G. Coordinating or participating in a funded national or international project;
H. Submitting an application for a project funded by a national or international competitive call (e.g. FCT, HORIZON, ERASMUS+) as a coordinator;
I. Organising or co-organising a national or international scientific event;
J. Supervising CLUNL integrated members that do not hold a PhD but have scientific productivity.
2. For the purpose of counting the indicators in 1, co-authoring/co-editing of the same publication or resource will be counted equally for all CLUNL integrated member authors.
(wording approved at CLUNL’s Scientific Council meeting of 26/07/2022. Can be downloaded here.)
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