Statutes of the Linguistics Research Centre of NOVA University Lisbon (CLUNL)

(amended as approved at the meeting of CLUNL’s Scientific Council on 26/07/2022, ratified on 24/10/2022)



The Linguistics Research Centre of NOVA University Lisbon, hereinafter referred to as CLUNL, is a research, training, and scientific dissemination unit in the field of linguistics.


Location and institutional framework

1. CLUNL is located at NOVA FCSH.

2. CLUNL is a research unit without financial autonomy, dependent on NOVA FCSH.



The objectives of CLUNL are:

1. To promote research, development and scientific dissemination in linguistics and related fields.

2. To encourage and support its members’ work and research projects.

3. To promote training and scientific dissemination in linguistics and related fields.

4. To encourage multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research practices.

5. To promote scientific exchange with other national and foreign institutions.



1. Membership of CLUNL is open to:

a) PhD researchers in linguistics or a field relevant to linguistic research upon proposal by at least one member and approval by a simple majority of CLUNL’s Scientific Council;

b) PhD candidates, MA students or undergraduate students in the field of linguistics or a field relevant to linguistic research upon proposal by the Principal Investigator to the Steering Committee;

c) personalities of recognised merit in linguistics or a field relevant to linguistic research who may be awarded the title of Honorary Member of CLUNL upon proposal by one or more of its members and approval by a qualified two-thirds majority of CLUNL’s Scientific Council.

2. CLUNL members undertake to follow CLUNL’s Procedures and Criteria for Scientific Productivity and Ethical Commitments

3. Researchers with or without a PhD may become CLUNL collaborators upon proposal by the Principal Investigator to the Steering Committee.

4. CLUNL members and collaborators will be organised in Research Groups coordinated by a Principal Investigator.


CLUNL bodies

1. The executive bodies of CLUNL are the Scientific Council, the Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council, and the Steering Committee.

2. The advisory bodies of CLUNL are the Researchers’ Assembly and the Permanent Scientific Advisory Committee.


Constitution and functioning of the Scientific Council

1. The Scientific Council is composed of CLUNL’s PhD members.

2. The Scientific Council shall meet in person and/or by videoconference twice a year in ordinary sessions convened by means of a notice sent by the Chairperson of the Steering Committee to CLUNL’s PhD members at least fifteen days in advance:

a) in the first half of the calendar year, to approve by simple majority the Activity Report and Accounts for the previous year and, if necessary, to elect the Steering Committee;

b) in the second half of the calendar year, for the approval by a simple majority of CLUNL’s Activity Plan and Budget.

3. The Scientific Council shall meet exceptionally, in person and/or by videoconference, at the initiative of the Chairperson of CLUNL’s Steering Committee or at least one-third of its members by means of a notice sent by the Chairperson of the Steering Committee to its members at least 48 hours in advance.


Competencies of the Scientific Council

The Scientific Council shall be responsible for:

1. Defining CLUNL’s scientific policy.

2. Electing by simple majority CLUNL’s Steering Committee every three years at an ordinary meeting in the first half of the calendar year.

3. Approving by a qualified two-thirds majority the creation, restructuring, or extinction of Research Groups based on a reasoned proposal.

4. Approving by a simple majority the constitution of the Permanent Scientific Advisory Committee upon a proposal by the Steering Committee.

5. Approving the distribution of available resources.

6. Approving the Activity Plans and the Activity Reports and Accounts after consulting the Researchers’ Assembly.

7. Approving the Budget or any amendments thereto.

8. Approving by simple majority the Statutes or any amendments thereto.

9. Proposing to the NOVA FCSH Scientific Council the ratification of CLUNL’s Statutes or any amendments thereto.

10. Approving by a simple majority CLUNL’s Ethical Commitments or any amendments thereto.

11. Approving by a simple majority the Procedures and Criteria for the Scientific Productivity of CLUNL members or amendments thereto.

12. Approving by simple majority the integration of PhD members into CLUNL.

13. Deciding by simple majority on the suspension of CLUNL members in accordance with Article 16(1) of these Statutes.

14. Deciding by a qualified two-thirds majority of CLUNL members to exclude members from CLUNL under the terms of Article 16(3) of these Statutes.

15. Deciding by a qualified two-thirds majority based on a reasoned proposal by at least one-third of the members of the Scientific Council on the dismissal of the Steering Committee.

16. Deciding on other matters submitted to the Steering Committee for consideration.


Functioning of the meetings of the Scientific Council

1. The Scientific Council shall meet when convened by the Chairperson of the Steering Committee or at the request of at least one-third of its members.

2. If a quorum is not present at the time appointed for the meeting to commence, the meeting shall be adjourned to half an hour later.

3. If after half an hour there is still no quorum, the meeting shall continue with the number of members present and shall deliberate in accordance with the agenda.


Constitution of the Steering Committee

1. The Steering Committee is composed of three members of CLUNL’s Scientific Council, one of whom is the Chairperson, who assumes the role of Scientific Coordinator, and two of whom are Members.

2. The Steering Committee shall be elected by the members of the Scientific Council from lists of candidates, specifying the duties to be performed by each of its members.

3. The Steering Committee shall be elected in accordance with Article 7(2) of these Statutes.

4. The term of office of the Steering Committee shall be three years.

5. The Steering Committee may be removed from office by decision of CLUNL’s Scientific Council in accordance with Article 7(15) of these Statutes.


Competencies of the Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is responsible for:

1. Ensuring the fulfilment of CLUNL’s objectives as defined in Article 3 of these Statutes.

2. Ensuring CLUNL’s smooth administrative running.

3. Collecting and disseminating information relevant to the pursuit of CLUNL’s activities.

4. Requesting the researchers in charge of the research groups or projects to provide the data necessary for the preparation of the Activity Reports and Accounts and the Activity Plans and Budgets.

5. Presenting the Activity Plan and Budget for the following year to the Scientific Council for approval at the ordinary meeting in the second half of the calendar year.

6. Submitting the Activity Reports and Accounts for the previous year to the Scientific Council for approval at the ordinary meeting in the first half of the calendar year.

7. Approving proposals for the admission of Collaborating Members.

8. Proposing to the Scientific Council CLUNL’s Ethical Commitments or amendments thereto.

9. Proposing to the Scientific Council the Procedures and Criteria for Scientific Productivity of CLUNL Members or amendments thereto.

10. Proposing to the Scientific Council the constitution of the Permanent Scientific Advisory Committee after having consulted the Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council.

11. Presenting a reasoned proposal to the Scientific Council for the suspension or dismissal of CLUNL members in accordance with and for the purposes of Article 16 of these Statutes.

12. Asking the members of the Scientific Council to submit lists of members and their respective programmes for the election of a new Steering Committee at least thirty days before the end of the term of office.


Composition, competencies and functioning of the Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council

1. The Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council shall be composed of the Steering Committee and the researchers in charge of the different research groups or their representatives and shall be chaired by the Chairperson of the Steering Committee.

2. The Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council shall be responsible for:

a) supporting the Steering Committee in achieving the objectives set out in Article 3 and the activities set out in Article 10 of these Statutes;

b) promoting cross-disciplinary activities involving different research groups;

c) defining common criteria for the presentation of activity reports;

d) monitoring CLUNL’s financial performance;

e) preparing the visits of the Permanent Scientific Advisory Committee.

3. The Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council shall meet quarterly or whenever necessary convened by the Chairperson of the Steering Committee or at the request of at least one-third of its members.


Constitution and functioning of the Researchers’ Assembly

1. The Researchers’ Assembly is composed of CLUNL members, both with and without a PhD.

2. The Researchers’ Assembly shall meet once a year, convened and chaired by CLUNL’s Steering Committee.

3. If a quorum is not present at the time appointed for the meeting to commence, the meeting shall be adjourned to half an hour later.

4. If after half an hour there is still no quorum, the meeting shall continue with the number of members present and shall deliberate in accordance with the agenda.


Competencies of the Researchers’ Assembly

As an advisory body to CLUNL, the Researchers’ Assembly is responsible shall:

1. Be informed on CLUNL’s Statutes or amendments thereto and submit amendment proposals to the Steering Committee.

2. Be informed and express an opinion on CLUNL’s Activity Plans and Reports.

3. Be informed and express an opinion on CLUNL’s Ethical Commitments and Procedures and Criteria for Scientific Productivity.


Composition, functioning and competencies of the Permanent Scientific Advisory Committee

1. The Permanent Scientific Advisory Committee is composed of experts who have recognised merit in linguistics or related fields from outside CLUNL.

2. The constitution of the Permanent Scientific Advisory Committee shall be approved by CLUNL’s Scientific Council upon proposal by the Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council.

3. The Permanent Scientific Advisory Committee shall meet normally once a year and extraordinarily when convened by the Chairperson of the Steering Committee.

4. The composition and competencies of the Permanent Scientific Advisory Committee are defined in Article 26 of Decree-Law 63/2019 of 16 May.


Research Groups

1. The creation, reorganisation, or termination of CLUNL’s Research Groups shall be approved by CLUNL’s Scientific Council in accordance with the provisions of Article 7(3).

2. Each Research Group must be headed by a Principal Investigator, elected for three-year terms from among its PhD members.

3. The Principal Investigator of each Research Group is responsible for:

a) serving on the Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council or having themselves represented;

b) coordinating and promoting the scientific activities of the Research Group;

c) submitting proposals to the Steering Committee for the integration of collaborators;

d) welcoming the members and collaborators of the Research Group, informing them of CLUNL’s operating rules, namely its Statutes, Procedures and Criteria for Scientific Productivity and Ethical Commitments;

e) submitting to the Steering Committee the budgeted activity plans and annual scientific reports on the activities conducted within the scope of the Research Group they coordinate.


Dismissal of members

1. CLUNL’s membership shall be suspended for an indefinite period if the members:

a) are prevented from attending by justified absence;

b) are prevented due to incompatibility of functions.

2. CLUNL’s membership shall cease voluntarily when the members inform the Steering Committee in writing of their intention to leave CLUNL.

a) Resignation takes effect fifteen days after receipt of the request.

b) Resigning members must report their scientific activities to CLUNL until the resignation becomes effective.

3. In accordance with Article 7(13) of these Statutes, CLUNL’s membership shall be automatically revoked in the event of:

a) unjustified absence from research and/or participation in CLUNL activities for more than two years in accordance with the productivity criteria set out in CLUNL’s Procedures and Criteria for Scientific Productivity;

b) unjustified breach of the obligations assumed under CLUNL’s Ethical Commitments or Procedures and Criteria for Scientific Productivity;

c) another reason for dismissal not provided for in the previous paragraphs, which is brought to the attention of the Scientific Council by a reasoned proposal from any of the members of the Scientific Council and which is considered by the Scientific Council as a justification for dismissal.

d) The decision of the Scientific Council on dismissal shall be communicated to the member by the Steering Committee after deliberation, and the dismissal shall take effect fifteen days after such communication.


Entry into force

1. These Statutes shall enter into force on the day following their ratification by the Scientific Council of NOVA FCSH.

2. After their ratification, the Statutes shall be sent to the competent bodies of NOVA FCSH, NOVA University and the funding organisations.

3. Any omissions or controversial issues will be analysed or decided by the Scientific Council of NOVA FCSH.