Code of Conduct, Inclusiveness and Gender Equality

In fulfilling its objectives as a research unit and workplace and host institution for researchers and students, CLUNL is committed to respecting human rights, particularly the rights to equality and non-discrimination, as established in the following documents:

Code of Conduct for the Prevention and Combating of Harassment and Discrimination of NOVA University Lisbon,
Code of Ethics of NOVA University Lisbon,
NOVA University Lisbon’s Policy for Gender Equality, Equal Opportunities, and Diversity, and
NOVA University Lisbon’s Gender Equality Plan.

We consider it essential to adopt a structural approach to prevent and combat harassment and discrimination, as well as to clearly define the procedures to be followed whenever these situations occur at the university.

Any complaint can be submitted anonymously or with the identification of the complainant through:

NOVA University Lisbon’s Whistleblower Portal (electronically),

NOVA Rectorate’s Office for Equality and Inclusion (in person, or electronically), NOVA University Lisbon, Rectorate Building, room 6.15, Campus de Campolide, Lisbon;