XV(21) Forum for Linguistic Sharing – Call for papers

The Young Researchers Group of CLUNL is pleased to announce the  XV21 Forum for Linguistic Sharing, which will take place on 3rd of July 2021.

The XV21 Forum for Linguistic Sharing is integrated into the NOVA Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics and it aims to give the opportunity to young researchers to present and discuss their work in a relaxed and intellectually stimulating environment.

We invite postgraduate (Masters and PhD) students to submit abstracts for oral presentation on any area of linguistics. The abstracts should be submitted on https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=xv21-fpl-2021 until the 21st of February. Accepted papers will be allotted 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.

This year’s edition will be held online. 

Further information is available at Young Researchers Group website.