Cavalcanti, Tatiana (PhD student)

Tatiana Cavalcanti has a degree in Speech Therapy from the Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (Brazil) and holds a master’s degree in Language Sciences from the same University. She is a clinical therapist specialized in Fluency Disorders and has coordinated the GEAG – “Grupo de Estudos e Atendimento à Gagueira” (Study and Stutter Care Group) at the Universidade Católica de Pernambuco for eleven years. She has experience as a guest lecturer in the subjects of Language Acquisition, Language Disorders and Techniques of Speech, Diction and Oral Expression. She is a PhD student in Linguistics, specialization in Psycholinguistics, at NOVA FCSH with the project “A gaguez como um distúrbio de linguagem: análise prosódica das palavras gaguejadas por crianças falantes do português europeu e português brasileiro” (Stuttering as a language disorder: prosodic analysis of the words stuttered by children speaking European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese).

LiFE Group