Rute Costa chairs a new Technical Commission at Instituto Português da Qualidade

Rute Costa, professor at the Linguistics Department of NOVA FCSH, has been elected president of the Technical Commission 221 (Terminology, Language and Languages), recently created at the Instituto Português da Qualidade (IPQ). This Technical Commission (TC) will be responsible for the national monitoring of the work developed by Technical Commission 37 (Language and Terminology) of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

The mission of both ISO and IPQ is to develop and implement technical standards, i.e., guiding documents for the organization and/or execution of a product, process or service, within the scope of industry. CT 221 and its counterpart CT 37 are dedicated to creating standards, guides and technical reports whose purpose is to standardize descriptions, resources, technologies and services related to terminology, translation, interpretation and other related activities, within the scope of the multilingual information society. The documents that emanate from these bodies are used in/by industry, in the presentation of a product or the implementation of a service, for unambiguous application across different countries.

To fulfill its goal, CT 221 brings together experts from academia, industry and business, such as BOSCH and Claro. Rute Costa is a researcher at the LLT group of NOVA CLUNL and a lecturer at the Linguistics Department of NOVA FCSH. Alexandra Albuquerque, secretary of the CT, is a collaborator of the LLT group of NOVA CLUNL and a lecturer at ISCAP-P. PORTO.