New published work: “Novas Políticas Linguísticas e Aquisição de Competências Plurilingues Profissionais aplicadas ao Ensino de Sinofalantes”

Susana Duarte Martins is the author of the article Novas Políticas Linguísticas e Aquisição de Competências Plurilingues Profissionais aplicadas ao Ensino de Sinofalantes (“New language policies and acquisition of plurilingual professional skills applied to the teaching of Chinese speakers”), recently published in Diacrítica journal.

This article demonstrates the need for a more adequate response in terms of language policies to the learning needs ofthe Portuguese language by foreign students and professionals CHinese speakers and how the economic relations between China and Portugal can be strengthened by investing in the development of language skills geared to the professional and academic contexts.

The article is available in Open Access at the following link:

  • Martins, Susana Duarte (2020). Novas Políticas Linguísticas e Aquisição de Competências Plurilingues Profissionais aplicadas ao Ensino de Sinofalantes. Diacrítica [online] 34(3), pp.26-47. eISSN 2183-9174.