
Iván Arias Arias, visiting researcher at CLUNL as part of his PhD, actively participated in one of the parallel sessions of the X International (...)
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Ana Salgado, researcher from CLUNL's LLT group, will be in Turin on May 25, 2024, to present the CHAMUÇA project, a project under development at (...)
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The program of TermTrends24 - Models and Best Practices for Terminology Representation in the Semantic Web, co-organized by CLUNL, through Rute (...)
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The 8th International Meeting of Sociodiscursive Interactionism (SDI), under the theme "From the social to the linguistic and back again: texts, (...)
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At the invitation of NOVA CLUNL's Grammar & Text group, Professor Julien Longhi, from CY Cergy Paris Université, will be giving an open lecture (...)
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Joana Miguel and Stéphanie Vaz, researchers from the LiFE - Formal and Experimental Linguistics group at CLUNL, actively participated in the IV (...)
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