
The article “Variation in psychopathological terminology: A case study on Body Dysmorphic Disorder”, authored by Federica Vezzani, a collaborator (...)
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O Grupo Gramática & Texto do CLUNL convida à participação na sessão 10 do Grupo de Discussão “Entre Textos: Diálogos transatlânticos (...)
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Maria Lobo, researcher and coordinator of the LiFE Group of CLUNL, is co-author of the article “Sentence repetition task for European Portuguese: (...)
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The article "Fostes tu: Analogical Change in European Portuguese and the Case of the Second Person Singular in the Simple Past (Indicative)" by Ana (...)
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Ana Sofia Souto and Yolanda Xavier, PhD students from CLUNL, attended the course Research Skills Development Course – RSD, organised by NOVA (...)
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Iván Arias Arias, visiting researcher at CLUNL as part of his PhD, actively participated in one of the parallel sessions of the X International (...)
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