Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics 2019


PhD Programme
Linguistics – Knowledge, Representation and Use
Lisbon, 1-5 July 2019

Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
Avenida de Berna, 26-C
1069-061 Lisboa – Portugal


12 courses are offered, 3 per area | Each course grants 6 ECTS

Area 1: Formal and Experimental Linguistics

Course 1: Native and Non-Native Language Processing
Ian Cunnings, University of Reading, UK

The Seminar will be held in ENGLISH


This course will examine the similarities and differences between native and non-native language processing. By examining non-native language processing, this course will also bare on contested issues in second language acquisition research. Topics will include morphology and the mental lexicon, ambiguity resolution, anaphora and the processing of different linguistic dependencies. Through the course students will be introduced to a variety of different psycholinguistic paradigms to investigate language processing in native and non-native populations.


Course 2: Linguistic interfaces: first and second language acquisition
Susana Correia, Alexandra Fiéis, Maria Lobo, Ana Madeira, Joana Teixeira, NOVA FCSH, CLUNL, Portugal

The Seminar will be held in ENGLISH


This course will cover topics at the interface between different linguistic levels (syntax, morphology, phonology, lexicon, discourse). Evidence from the L1, 2L1 and L2 acquisition of different phenomena (subject-verb inversion, pronoun production and interpretation, stress position, among others) will be discussed in light of the hypothesis that some interface domains are harder to acquire or are more vulnerable to crosslinguistic influence.


Susana Correia,
Alexandra Fiéis,
Maria Lobo,
Ana Madeira,
Joana Teixeira,

Course 3: Anaphora resolution in second language acquisition: theory and practice
Cristóbal Lozano, University of Granada, Spain

The Seminar will be held in ENGLISH


This module takes a double approach to anaphora resolution in adult second language (L2) acquisition. Anaphora resolution (AR) is a common phenomenon and it pervades language. AR relates to how referential expressions (e.g., overt and null pronouns, repeated full NPs) refer to their antecedents in discourse, cf. “John greeted Peter as he opened the door” and “Juan saludó a Pedro mientras (él) abría la puerta“.

We will explore empirical L2 studies on the acquisition and processing of AR in L2 Spanish and L2 English. We will see that AR is constrained by several (psycho)linguistic and discursive factors. In the second part of the course, we will use two types of software so that we can put into practice what we have learnt in the theoretical part: (i) the corpus software (UAM Corpus Tool): we will tag and analyse real AR data in L2; (ii) the experimental software (Open Sesame): we will learn how to construct an online (self-paced reading task) experiment on AR in L2. We will see that the combination of corpus data and experimental data provide researchers with a better understanding of the factors that constrain L2 acquisition in general and AR in particular.


Area 2: Terminology and Lexicography

Course 1: Terminology and Lexical Semantics
Pamela Faber, University of Granada, Spain

The Seminar will be held in ENGLISH


Lexical semantics is important in Terminology because terms are also linguistic units. The analysis of their meaning and structure can be used to configure and model knowledge domains when language is conceived as a mirror of conceptual structure. The specialized knowledge conveyed by terms is encoded in their semantic relations with other terms as well as in the knowledge patterns that they participate in. For example, lexical semantic relations such as hyponymy and meronymy reflect the hierarchical conceptual relations of type of and part of, respectively. There are also non-hierarchical semantic relations of agency, cause, result, location, etc. which enrich the conceptual representation of specialized knowledge units. Such relations are studied by analyzing knowledge or lexical-syntactic patterns, which link the terms in a proposition.

At another level, terms also acquire their meaning in a larger context, more specifically within a frame. A frame is a cognitive structuring device that provides the background knowledge and motivation for words in a language as well as the way they are used in texts. Frames also make explicit both the potential semantic and syntactic behavior of specialized language units. This includes a description of conceptual relations as well as a term’s combinatorial potential.

Although until now Terminology has mostly focused on nouns, verbs are also important because a considerable part of knowledge is composed of events, states and processes. Verbs thus relate and set the scene for other specialized knowledge units that fill the argument slots of these semantic predicates. The specification of this type of predicate-argument structure identifies the number of arguments that a lexical item can take, their syntactic expression, and their semantic relation to the predicate. This useful combination of conceptual modeling and linguistic analysis enhances terminological resources by providing a view of structured contexts in which events are central. Such events are based on deep semantic structures that are encoded in the majority of natural languages, and can be conceived as the key to interlinguistic correspondence.


Pamela Faber lectures in Terminology, Specialized Translation, Lexical Semantics, and Cognitive Linguistics. She holds degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University of Paris IV, and the University of Granada where she has been a full professor in Translation and Interpreting since 2001. She is the director of the LexiCon research group, with whom she has carried out various national research projects. She is best known for her Frame-based Terminology Theory, based on the Lexical Grammar Model, Frame Semantics, and Cognitive Linguistics. The practical application of Frame-based Terminology Theory is EcoLexicon (, a terminological knowledge base on environmental science. She has published more than 170 articles, book chapters, and books on Specialized Translation, Lexicography, Terminology, Knowledge Representation, and Lexical Semantics in journals such as Terminology, International Journal of Lexicography, Metaphor and Symbol, and Cognitive Linguistics and publishing houses such as Mouton de Gruyter.

Course 2: Trends and advanced approaches in Lexicography
Raquel Amaro, Teresa Lino, Rute Costa, NOVA FCSH, CLUNL, Portugal

Seminar will be held in PORTUGUESE and ENGLISH or FRENCH


Lexicography, in addition to being an autonomous discipline, has become a central discipline in numerous areas of knowledge, ranging from eHealth to Digital Humanities, passing through language teaching and base resources development for Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. Lexicography, which comprises scientific research on a corpus of words, reflects advances in Lexicology and Terminology, on the one hand, and metalexicographic concerns, including computer science and the analysis of the content of dictionaries and other lexical resources, on the other, providing a series of operative concepts and effective syntheses.

The seminar will have as fundamental objects: a) lexicography for communication in specialized contexts; b) lexicographic approaches and issues in relational and computational models of the lexicon: c) theories and methodologies of contemporary lexicography in different approaches: monolingual and bilingual lexicography, current and specialized language lexicography, mother-tongue, second or foreign language lexicography, and learning lexicography; d) lexicographic definition: description models of the lexicon.

Actual cases of lexicographic application will be presented throughout the seminar.


Teresa Lino is Full Professor at NOVA FCSH and Coordinator of the Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology Group of NOVA CLUNL. She lectures Lexicology and Lexicography, Terminology, and Specialized Corpora at graduate, post graduate and PhD courses, and coordinated the Portuguese Language and Culture for Foreigners courses of NOVA FCSH for many years. She has coordinated and participated in national and international projects on Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology, and on Portuguese specialized language teaching, in a foreign language for specific purposes optics.

Raquel Amaro is Associate Professor at NOVA FCSH since 2015. She was researcher at the Centre of Linguistics of the University of Lisbon from 1999 to 2015. She participated in several projects in Corpus Linguistics, Computational Lexical Semantics and Translation Technologies, from which we highlight SIMPLE, Reference Corpus of Contemporary Portuguese and WordNet.PT. She is member of the Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology group at NOVA CLUNL, where she works on Lexicology, Computational Lexical Semantics and Grammars, having collaborated with Lionbridge, Technologies Inc. and being member of two international COST Actions.

Rute Costa is Associate Professor (Tenured) with Aggregation in Linguistics | Lexicology, Lexicography, Terminology at NOVA FCSH, and president of the Scientific Committee of NOVA CLUNL. She is president of ISO/TC37/SC2 “Terminology workflow and language coding”, having been convener of WG3, of ISO/TC37/SC1 for ISO 704 and 1087 standards, between 2013 and 2016. From 2000 to 2006, she was president of the European Association of Terminology (EAFT). At NOVA FCSH, she teaches Terminology, Theories in Terminology, Terminology and Ontologies, among others disciplines, at graduate, post graduate and PhD courses.

Course 3: Encoding Dictionaries with TEI: A Masterclass
Toma Tasovac, Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities, Serbia

The Seminar will be held in ENGLISH


Thе masterclass will focus on the theoretical and practical challenges of encoding dictionaries in accordance with the Guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and, especially, TEI Lex-0, a subset of TEI aimed at improving the interoperability of lexicographic data. The masterclass is a continuation of the course “From Print to Screen: The Theory and Practice of Digitizing Dictionaries” which was offered at the Lisbon Summer School in 2018. In addition to the practical, hands-on sessions, in which the participants will work on their own sample data, the masterclass will also introduce the topics of lexical data management, document versioning and XPath query language.

Note: The number of participants in the masterclass will be limited to 12. Participants are expected to have previous experience of working with XML and TEI.


Toma Tasovac is Director of the Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities (BCDH) and Director of the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH). His areas of scholarly interest include lexicography, data modeling, TEI, digital editions and research infrastructures. He is one of the authors of TEI Lex-0, an emerging community standard for encoding lexicographic data and is currently also affiliated with the H2020-funded project European Lexicographic Infrastructure (ELEXIS).

Area 3: Grammar & Text

Course 1: Notions and operations
Lionel Dufaye, University Paris-Est, France

The Seminar will be held in ENGLISH or in FRENCH


This seminar investigates the semantics of a number of linguistic markers, by addressing the concepts of notion and operation within an enunciative framework. It will be argued that notions, be they lexical or grammatical, are both cross-linguistic (through experience and praxis) and language specific (through culture and linguistic structure). We will investigate the type of notions that are likely to be analysed in terms of formal operations, namely grammatical and/or grammaticalized marker, and conversely, we will wonder why other notions are unlikely to fall within the scope of linguists’ attention. After introducing theoretical fundamentals, we will set out to analyse diverse types of linguistic markers to illustrate semantics both as grammaticalization processes and as an interwoven network of primitive operations: Discourse markers such as English like and its rather similar French counterpart genre ; adverbial and prepositional particles such as over and away, which will help us illustrate the relationship between aspect and argument structure ; modal auxiliaries, which provide an interesting insight of a paradigm of connected operations.


Course 2: Tense in Romance
Martin Becker, University of Cologne, Germany

The Seminar will be held in ENGLISH or in PORTUGUESE


The course will be concerned with the tense system of Romance languages from a comparative perspective. Specifically, we will explore differences concerning possible usages and readings in the domain of the perfect, the imperfect and the simple future. We are especially interested in possible extensions of the temporal readings to the realm of modality, which have emerged in some of the Romance languages. The discussion of different contributions provided by linguistic research on the verbal categories under scrutiny will also allow us to focus on different theoretical approaches concerning the description and analysis of tense categories, taking into account more formal approaches as well as discourse-based accounts.


Course 3: On Mood & Modality in Portuguese
Clara Nunes Correia, Teresa Brocardo, Mafalda Frade, NOVA FCSH, CLUNL, Portugal

The Seminar will be held in ENGLISH or in PORTUGUESE


This course explores mood and modality through the presentation and discussion of theoretical, descriptive and diachronic proposals, as well as of some methodological issues.

It will be organised as follows (but note that the various parts are interrelated):

1. Distinction between mood and modality; discussion of distinct typologies of modality; mood and modality markers in (contemporary) Portuguese.
2. Forms / constructions expressing modal values in Portuguese past stages (medieval period): epistemic / non epistemic; relevance of the ‘lexical / grammatical’ distinction.
3. How to identify (in order to describe and explain) modal markers? – Discussion of methodological issues: examples versus attestations; selection of sources and retrieving of data for diachronic studies (originals, copies, Latin / medieval Portuguese translations).


Clara Nunes Correia,
Teresa Brocardo,
Mafalda Frade,

Area 4: Cognition, Language and Multimodal Communication

Course 1: Pensar ironicamente? O papel do trinómio Linguagem – Cognição – Cultura na conceptualização e construção da ironia no discurso
Hanna Batoréo, UAb, CLUNL, Carla Almeida, UAb, ISUP, CLUNL, Luísa Magalhães UCP, CEFH, Portugal

The Seminar will be held in PORTUGUESE


No presente curso, propomo-nos refletir sobre o fenómeno da ironia, abordando-o de um modo diferente do tradicional, em que se costuma considerá-lo uma figura de estilo ou uma estratégia retórica.  A nossa abordagem privilegiará, antes, uma reflexão sobre a ironia como um modo de pensamento que  implica (i) uma conceptualização do mundo pelo falante em função do contexto social e cultural em que se insere, bem como (ii) uma construção tanto cognitiva como linguística do discurso que reflete a conceptualização irónica do que é percecionado como a realidade.
O foco da reflexão incidirá sobre três corpora diferentes: (i) discurso emergente da interação verbal nos media e, muito especialmente, no discurso radiofónico; (ii) narrativas na interação do dia-a-dia com recurso a anedotas; (iii) publicidade em que a linguagem verbal e a não-verbal se cruzam.
No caso do discurso emergente da interação verbal, demonstraremos, num primeiro momento, como os interlocutores em contexto de uso calculam o sentido em função dos seus esquemas interpretativos que resultam de quadros específicos de interação. Tendo por base interações verbais nos media, analisaremos de que modo o locutor constrói o discurso irónico através de processos cognitivos específicos, fazendo uso de mecanismos cognitivos como, por exemplo, a metáfora e a metonímia conceptuais, que resultam – em simultâneo – como causa e efeito de um pensamento figurativo. Consideraremos a emergência do discurso irónico em interações conversacionais em programas de rádio portugueses e analisaremos, no corpus constituído e delimitado para a análise, os processos de metaforização e metonimização na criação do sentido. Analisaremos, assim, os marcadores discursivos e os fenómenos linguísticos que permitem a construção de estratégias discursivas específicas de um “ponto de vista”, resultante da perspetivação do foco de atenção do falante.
Num segundo momento, iremos demonstrar como a polissemia de itens lexicais simples ou complexos pode desencadear processos de construção de sentido múltiplo de cunho irónico, com especial destaque para anedotas contextualizadas em narrativas quotidianas.
Por fim, abordaremos a linguagem publicitária na comunicação multimodal, com recurso à mediação verbal e não-verbal. A publicidade, enquanto modalidade de comunicação persuasiva, explora a magia, a ilusão, o imaginário humano. Ao fazê-lo, desenvolve um processo que veicula momentos transformativos de passagem de sentido, do literal para o metafórico. Cumpre, neste processo, um papel que está intimamente ligado às questões fundamentais do desenvolvimento cognitivo e o apelo criativo ao objeto de desejo.  Ao expandir o seu objetivo principal de estabelecer um apelo funcional e integrativo relativamente ao seu recetor, o processo publicitário motiva, simultaneamente, a adesão visual e cognitiva do mesmo recetor aos materiais fílmicos de comunicação multimodal, partindo de representações visuais de figuras e contextos que elaboram uma abordagem inicialmente lúdica e, posteriormente, irónica ao desenvolver o eixo valorativo. Com base num pequeno corpus de material publicitário, procuraremos demonstrar como assinalar a ironia como um “problema” que cabe ao recetor resolver e levará à apreensão do seu sentido próprio – o sentido subliminar, que não está expresso e que depende da cumplicidade estabelecida entre o quadro publicitário e o seu recetor. A ironia constitui-se, assim, como marca cultural que atualiza o propósito publicitário de incentivar o desejo pelo objeto de acordo com duas perspetivas complementares: (i) em função da sua integração na realidade esperada e (ii) em relação com a imagem do objeto que é promovida pelo seu formato publicitário.


Hanna Batoréo é investigadora integrada no CLUNL, desde 2007, e coordenadora do Grupo CLCM – Cognição, Linguagem e Comunicação Multimodal do CLUNL, desde 2017. É Professora Associada com Agregação do Departamento de Humanidades da Universidade Aberta, em Lisboa. Doutorou-se, em 1997, em Linguística/ Psicolinguística na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. Na Universidade Aberta, onde trabalha desde 1997, fez agregação, em 2006, na área de Estudos Portugueses: Linguística Portuguesa. No mesmo ano, foi galardoada com o “Grande Prémio Internacional de Linguística Lindley Cintra 2005 pelo livro “Linguística Portuguesa: Abordagem Cognitiva” (CD-ROM), Universidade Aberta 2004.

Carla Almeida é Professora Auxiliar do Departamento de Humanidades da Universidade Aberta, no Porto, investigadora integrada do Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto (ISUP) e, desde 2017, é membro colaborador do Grupo CLCM do CLUNL. É doutorada em Linguística Portuguesa pela Universidade Aberta (2005), onde é coordenadora do Mestrado em Estudos Portugueses Multidisciplinares. Entre outras publicações, é autora do livro “A Construção da Ordem Interaccional na Rádio”, Porto, Afrontamento, 2012.

Luísa Magalhães é Professora Auxiliar na Universidade Católica Portuguesa e membro do Centro de Estudos Filosóficos e Humanísticos. É doutorada em Ciências da Comunicação, na área de conhecimento de Artes e Técnicas da Comunicação, e Mestre em Teorias da Comunicação (especialização em Semiótica / Charles Peirce) pela Universidade do Minho. Pertence à Associação Internacional de Investigação sobre Brinquedos (ITRA), à Associação Portuguesa de Ciências da Comunicação (SOPCOM) e à European Communication Reasearch and Education Association (ECREA). É docente extraordinária na Cátedra TMKF (The Modern Kids and Family) na Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Course 2: Unlocking the power of imagination: Multimodal analysis of transmedia narrative and storytelling approach to the Harry Potter blockbuster series
Luísa Magalhães, UCP, CEFH, Portugal

The Seminar will be held in ENGLISH


Media productions, such as the Harry Potter narratives, are no longer tied to their primitive written form nor are they limited to screen exhibition in closed dark cinema rooms. Instead, plots and characters have evolved to acquire a status of pervasiveness that is designed to imply the readers and the viewers, their connected lives and modern technological gadgets, as well as their imagination and freedom of reasoning. And this evolution has occurred in more ways than it was initially predicted both by the author and film producer.

Amidst the multiple reactions of generalised appraisal that the series has gathered all over the world, there has been a massive adhesion to the storytelling magic and its extraordinary modes of generating meaning: writing, image, layout, music, gesture, speech, moving image, appliances, clothing, videogames, animes, school merchandising and toys. The series has outgrown its initial written mode and has subdued generations of engaged humans into a cultural specific choice of meaning. It has generated several layers of powerful semiotic structures that eventually convey a set of selected cultural references through different modes.

Multimodality offers the possibility of understanding socio-cultural productions derived from multimedia structures by exposing a variety of modes and skills that converge, at a given moment, with the development of each viewer’s notions of narrative and imagination. This course will focus on performing an analysis of selected parts elicited from the Harry Potter series of eight movies, connecting the transmedia elements scattered along a rich collection of narrative sequences to their storytelling techniques and to their diverse modes of distribution.


Luísa Magalhães is currently Assistant Professor at the Catholic University of Portugal and she is a member of CEFH – Research Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies. PhD in Communication Sciences, Arts and Techniques of Communication and MPhil – Theories of Communication (specialization in Semiotics / Charles Peirce), graduated from Minho University. ITRA member (International Toy Research Association); SOPCOM member (Portuguese Association for Communication Sciences Research) and ECREA member (European Communication Research and Education Association). Invited lecturer at the TMKF (The Modern Kids and Family) Chair, Complutense University, Madrid.

Course 3: “Lingua Mentalis” as a Tool for Cross-Cultural Pragmatics
Zuzanna Bułat Silva, University of Wroclaw, Poland

The Seminar will be held in ENGLISH


Have you ever thought about how your own language and culture influence the way you think and see the world? Has any cross-cultural experience made you think how much people from different countries differ from each other? Do you know any stories about cross-cultural misunderstandings?

During this course we are going to use a method of linguistic analysis known as Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM for short), developed by Anna Wierzbicka for over last forty years that is part of a theoretical approach of Cognitive Linguistics in order to have a closer look at various cross-cultural differences. NSM or lingua mentalis, ‘language of thought’ is a tool which has proven to be very useful when investigating different ways of seeing the world through the prism of the languages we speak or as understood by some “the best developed cognitive approach to semantics”. According to this theory, meaning consists of human interpretation of the world, it is subjective and anthropocentric. Apart from describing lexical meanings, NSM is also used to describe cultural norms or values (also known as cultural scripts) characteristic of a given speech community.

Pragmatics is a branch of linguistic science which studies how meaning is created in a specific context. Needless to say, the way context is understood by different people is highly dependable on culture (that is why, what is polite in one culture may be totally inappropriate in another culture). During this class we will investigate not only different conversational routines and speech acts, but will also examine different cultural values, like that of English tact, Polish spontaneity or Spanish expressiveness, and will talk about how people from different cultural backgrounds talk about emotions (think Portuguese saudade!). We will touch upon the theme of politeness, and try to spell out some guidelines that may be useful when crossing continental borders. We will also pay attention to body language, that, albeit universal in some respect, is also subject to cultural variation (in some cultures a smile J does not necessarily mean ‘feeling something good’).


Zuzanna Bułat-Silva is currently Associate Professor at the Romanic Philology Institute, at Wrocław University, Wrocław, Poland. She lectures, among others, Portuguese Language and Culture, Spanish Historic Grammar and Intercultural Pragmatics. Collaborative member to CLUNL at the CLCM research group. Zuzanna’s research preferences include lexical semantics, intercultural pragmatics and endangered languages. She authored the book “Fado – semantic approach”, 2008, published in Polish whilst belonging to the EUROJOS research team. Member to the Centre of Cognitive Research on Language and Communication, University of Wroclaw, Poland.

On July 6th, the Young Researchers Group of Linguistics Research Centre of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa organize the XIV Forum for Linguistic Sharing.

1 – 5 July
Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4
9:30-12:30pm Ian Cunnings Pamela Faber Lionel Dufaye   Hanna Batoréo, Carla Almeida, Luisa Magalhães
2:00-5:00pm Susana Correia, Alexandra Fiéis, Maria Lobo, Ana Madeira, Joana Teixeira Raquel Amaro, Rute Costa, Teresa Lino Martin Becker Luísa Magalhães
5:30-8:30pm Cristóbal Lozano Toma Tasovac Clara Nunes Correia, Teresa Brocardo, Mafalda Frade Zuzanna Bułat Silva


Area 1 Courses (PDF)

Area 2 Courses (PDF)

Area 3 Courses (PDF)

Area 4 Courses (PDF)



Fees for PhD Students at NOVA FCSH 

  • Enrolled in Doctoral Programs in Linguistics and Translation and Terminology at NOVA FCSH: FREE
  • Enrolled in any Doctoral Programs at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa: 1st course. FREE; other courses: 50€ each

Fees for all

  • Registration in a single course: 90€
  • Registration in 2 courses: 120€
  • Registration in 3 courses: 150€

NOTE: Special payment conditions for participants covered by protocols with NOVA FCSH (to be defined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the protocol).



Fill in the form available here.



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