PhD student in Language Teaching, specialising in Portuguese as a Foreign Language, at Universidade Aberta / NOVA FCSH.
Master’s in Linguistics, in the area of Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology, from NOVA FCSH. She has a degree in Linguistics, with a major in Educational Training in Portuguese as a Mother Tongue and Non-Mother Tongue, from the same Faculty. She has been teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language at NOVA FCSH since 1999. Representative of LAPE 4004 in the assessment and application of CAPLE exams. Collaborated in research projects with the Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology Group, CLUNL. She collaborates as a CLUNL researcher on the ECML project CLIL LOTE in the Pluriliteracies group, using Italian and Portuguese to develop CLIL materials. Portuguese language teacher as first, second and foreigner language at Middle and High School.