Ana Salgado received the PhD in Translation and Terminology by Universidade NOVA de Lisboa in 2022, and graduated in Modern Languages and Literature – Portuguese Studies (scientific branch) by Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto in 2001. She is currently a researcher at the Linguistics Center of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, member of the LLT group (Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology) within the scope of the MORDigital project (PTDC/LLT-LIN/6841/2020). Previously she was a research fellow in the framework of the ELEXIS infrastructure for two years. She maintains activity as lexicographer being coordinator of the Vocabulário Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa and of the Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa, and is one of the editors responsible for the publication Thesaurus de Ciências da Terra of the Academia das Ciências de Lisboa. She is also the project leader in revising the standard ISO 1951:2007 and has made significant contributions to the TEI Lex-0 – a baseline encoding for lexicographic data. Her main research interests include lexicography, terminology, data modelling, TEI, digital humanities and text editing. Ana Salgado is member of CT 221 – Terminologia, Língua e Linguagens and CT 025 – Quantities and Units at Instituto Português da Qualidade and correspondent member of the Academia das Ciências de Lisboa since 2015, having been elected a full member in 2022. President of the Institute of Lexicology and Lexicography of the Portuguese Language of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences since 2023.