Abralin ao Vivo – Linguists Online: Sociolinguística e interfaces: Morfossintaxe, Pragmática e Discurso

On March 27, 2021, the Brazilian Linguistics Association (Abralin) organizes a videoconference on “Sociolinguística e interfaces: Morfossintaxe, Pragmática e Discurso“.

Maria Antónia Coutinho, researcher at Grammar & Text research group of CLUNL, Marcos Goldnadel (UFRGS) and Edair Görski (UFSC) will participate in this videoconference, which will be broadcast live in the Youtube channel of Abralin and will be freely available for later access.

This videoconference is part of the virtual event Abralin ao Vivo – Linguists Online, which you can get to know better here: https://aovivo.abralin.org/en/about/