The Romance Turn

From 16th to 18th of June, the international conference The Romance Turn will take place, this year organized by the Institute of Psycholinguistics of the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain.

We pinpoint the presentations of several researchers of the LiFE research group of NOVA CLUNL:

“Anaphora resolution in L2 European Portuguese: animacy effects and the position of the antecedent”
Ana Madeira, Alexandra Fiéis & Joana Teixeira

“The Effects of a Total Auditory Deprivation During the First Year(s) of Life on The Acquisition of Passive Sentences”
Mara Moita

“Clitic climbing in Portuguese-French bilingual children”
Margarida Tomaz & Maria Lobo

“Acquisition of residual object drop in L2 Spanish”
Pedro Guijarro-Fuentes & Ana Madeira

The conference is free.
See detailed information here: