New project: @ Cientista Regressa à Escola
The educational programme @ Cientista Regressa à Escola is an inspiring project designed to promote scientific literacy and equal educational opportunities in Portugal.
Aimed at children aged 6 to 12, this project’s mission is to strengthen the relationship between Science and Society, promoting the return of Portuguese scientists to the elementary schools they attended to conduct dynamic and didactic science workshops, inspiring the next generation through the Portuguese language and their example.
Integrated in the international network of scientists Native Scientist, the project contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals, namely, in the access to quality education (goal 4), gender equality (goal 5), decent work and economic growth (goal 8), and reduced inequalities (goal 10).
@ Cientista Regressa à Escola is part of the Clinton Foundation initiative and the team is promoting the collaboration with other institutions and entities.
Matilde Gonçalves, researcher at CLUNL, is a co-founder and coordinator of the project, with Joana Bordalo (student of Science Communication at NOVA FCSH) and Joana Moscoso (chair of Native Scientist).
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