New published work: Linha D’Água – v.37, n.2

The journal Linha D’Água (USP, Brazil) has just published a new issue with the theme: “Linguística e letramento(s) em saúde: cruzando perspectivas” (“Linguistics and literacy(ies) in health: crossing perspectives”).

This thematic dossier had as guest editors Raquel Silva (CLUNL / VOH.CoLAB, Portugal) and Sara Carvalho (CLLC / CLUNL, Portugal), respectively an integrated researcher and a collaborating researcher of the LLT group of NOVA CLUNL.

In addition to the editorial written by these researchers, this issue also features an article by Raquel Amaro, an integrated researcher from the same group, entitled “Health literacy and language teaching: data-based host language lexicons”.

You can access this issue, available in Open Access, here:

  • Silva, Raquel; Carvalho, Sara (2024). A linguística em ação na melhoria do(s) letramento(s) em saúde [editorial]. Linha D’Água, 37(2), pp.1-8. eISSN 2236-4242. Available at:
  • Amaro, Raquel (2024). Health literacy and language teaching: data-based host language lexicons // Literacia em saúde e ensino de língua: léxicos de língua de acolhimento baseados em dados. Linha D’Água, 37(2), pp.136-160. eISSN 2236-4242. Available at: