New paper: “Narrating science: Can it benefit science learning, and how?”

Matilde Gonçalves, investigadora do grupo Gramática & Texto do NOVA CLUNL, é coautora do artigo “Narrating science: Can it benefit science learning, and how? A theoretical review”, publicado no Journal of Research in Science Teaching, uma publicação periódica indexada na Scopus e na Web of Science.

In this article, the four authors offer a theoretical review of the idea that narrative texts are tools to tackle science learning challenges, concluding that education and research should focus on specific narrative effects, that specify with what (texts), with whom (learners), when and where (activities and wider context) these effects occur, as well as “why” (underlying processes).

The work is available in open access at:

  • Soares, Sara; Gonçalves, Matilde; Jerónimo, Rita; Kolinsky, Régine (2023). Narrating science: Can it benefit science learning, and how? A theoretical review. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, pp.1– 34. e-ISSN 1098-2736. Available atm: