New published work: “Conversational discourse markers in stand-up comedy: ‘you know’ and ‘sabem'”

New published work of Milana Morozova, researcher at G&T – Grammar & Text research group of NOVA CLUNL, in which conversational discourse markers “you know” and “sabem” are seen as a genre parameter of stand-up comedy – that is, a characteristic trait that constitutes the genre’s identity:

Morozova, Milana (2020). Conversational discourse markers in stand-up comedy: you know and sabem. In: I. M. Duarte and R. Ponce de León, eds., Marcadores discursivos. O português como referência contrastiva. Berlim: Peter Lang, [n.a.]. ISBN 978-3-631-82139-8.

Edited by Isabel Margarida Duarte and Rogelio Ponce de León, Marcadores discursivos. O português como referência contrastiva (Discourse Markers. Portuguese as a contrastive reference) brings together a set of studies that analyze discourse markers of European Portuguese in comparison with other languages.