
NOVA CLUNL welcomes Ana Sofia Souto, PhD student on Linguistics, specialization area in Text and Discourse Linguistics, at NOVA FCSH – School of (...)
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It is announced the call for 1 (one) fellowship grant “Bolsa de Iniciação a I&D" (undergraduate student), within the R&I unit Linguistics (...)
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It is announced the call for 1 (one) fellowship grant "Bolsa de Investigação" (Graduated), within the R&I unit Linguistics Research Centre of (...)
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  The 28th National Congress of the Portuguese Association of French Teachers (APPF), on «Evaluating learning in the 21st century - (...)
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The Young Researchers Group of CLUNL is pleased to announce the  XV21 Forum for Linguistic Sharing, which will take place on 3rd of July 2021 The (...)
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NOVA CLUNL welcomes Ana Braz as an Integrated Member (PhD) in its team Ana Braz has developed and published research papers in the framework of (...)
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