
Susana Duarte Martins, researcher at LLT research group of NOVA CLUNL, will participate in the Sustainable Multilingualism Conference, organized by (...)
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Mara Moita, PhD student in Linguistics (Psycholinguistics) at NOVA CLUNL, is one of the co-authors in the article Disentangling Pantomime From Early (...)
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Margarida Ramos, integrated researcher at NOVA CLUNL, participated in the Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon Between 19-28 of May, the Bayle (...)
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Noémia Jorge, researcher at Grammar & Tex research group of NOVA CLUNL, will actively participate in the X International Conference on Research, (...)
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On May 25, Susana Duarte Martins will present the paper "Documentos autênticos no desenho de materiais para cursos de Português Língua Estrangeira (...)
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CLUNL welcomes applications for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-Doctoral Fellowships! The Linguistics Research Centre of NOVA University Lisbon (...)
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