III Colóquio de Línguas do IFMA / 3rd Colloquium on Languages of IFMA

Between 25th and 28th of September, the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão, Campus São Luís – Monte Castelo will be helding the III Colóquio de Línguas do IFMA (3rd Colloquium on Languages of IFMA).

We point out the active participation of three researchers of the Grammar & Text group of CLUNL:

Audria Leal (integrated researcher), will provide the mini-course “Multimodalidade e Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo: considerações teóricas e metodológicas” (Multimodality and Socio-discursive Interactionism: theoretical and methodological considerations).

Florencia Miranda (collaborator), will also provide a mini-course, “Explorações sobre Textos e Gêneros Textuais para o Ensino de Línguas” (Explorations on Texts and Textual Genres for Language Teaching), and will present a lecture on the theme “Os materiais didáticos no ensino de línguas: problemas e perspectivas” (Didactic materials in language teaching: problems and perspectives) as well.

Eulália Leurquin (collaborator) will also be giving a lecture: “A BNCC: implementação e os impactos dela na formação do professor” (The BNCC: implementation and its impacts on teacher training).

For further information about this conference, please, see: http://www.geforlin.com/coloquio-2018