8th International Meeting of Sociodiscursive Interactionism (SDI) – call

The 8th International Meeting of Sociodiscursive Interactionism (SDI), under the theme “From the social to the linguistic and back again: texts, language and development” will be held Lisbon, at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, between the 22nd and the 24th of January, 2025.

The central issues of this 8th Meeting include, more or less directly, the major questions that occupy us – and which we have organized, for operational reasons, around four themes. We hope that each of them will contribute to a better understanding – or updating – of the tasks and challenges facing the ISD’s work program:

Theme 1: Modes of interaction between texts and languages, genres and grammars
Theme 2: Principles and projects for articulating language components in teaching and training
Theme 3: Contributions of Sociodiscursive Interactionism to teacher training
Theme 4: The role of the social and the plurality of languages in human development

The call is open until the 15th of May 2nd of June of 2024.

Methods of participation:
– Oral communication
– Symposium

See all the information in the call for papers:
EN version
ES version
FR version
PT version