Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics 2018
2-6 July 2018
The 4th edition of LISBON SUMMER SCHOOL IN LINGUISTICS will take place on 2-6 July at NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities.
9 courses are offered, 3 per area | Each course grants 6 ECTS.
Area 1: Psycholinguistics and Generative Grammar
Course 1: Language development in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Philippe Prévost – Université François-Rabelais, France
Abstract: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with deficits in social communication and social interaction and restrictive, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities (DSM-V). Language is affected in all individuals with ASD, though there is considerable variation in exactly which parts of language are affected and to what degree. While pragmatics is generally impaired in ASD, many verbal children also have difficulties with structural aspects of language. This course will look at language development of children with ASD, focusing mainly on phonology and morphosyntax. Difficulties with structural language in ASD will be compared to what has been reported for other pathologies affecting language, including specific language impairment. The relationships between language development and cognitive development (particularly nonverbal IQ) will also be examined, which will bring us to discuss the existence of different language profiles in children with ASD.
Philippe Prévost is professor of Linguistics at the University in Tours (France). His research focuses on comparing morphosyntactic development of French in different contexts of acquisition, including child L2 acquisition and acquisition in contexts of pathology, such as autism and specific language impairment. He is particularly interested in exploring the impact of computational complexity in language development. He is currently part of an international network of research labs exploring the language abilities of children with autism led by the University of Amsterdam (LACA, 2017-2020). Recent publications have appeared in journals such as Applied Psycholinguistics and Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, as well as in collective volumes.
Seminar will be held in ENGLISH
Course 2: Adpositions: theoretical and experimental perspectives
Ludovico Franco – NOVA CLUNL, Portugal
Abstract: In this course, we will introduce some aspects of the morphosyntax of adpositions (postpositions & prepositions) in natural languages, specifically taking into account their role in providing thematic content and licensing arguments. We will address issues related to:
. cross-linguistic properties of adpositions (from a formal perspective);
. adpositions and the lexical/functional divide (relators and axial parts);
. adpositions and related categories: adpositions and applicatives, adpositions and (oblique) case, adpositions and serial verbs;
. adpositions and lexicalization: current approaches to syncretism;
. experimental studies on adpositions, with a special focus on adpositions in aphasia.
Ludovico Franco is an Investigator FCT at NOVA CLUNL. His main research interests are morphosyntax and neurolinguistics, with an emphasis on language processing. He has published a monograph and several peer-reviewed papers in renowned international journals.
Seminar will be held in ENGLISH
Course 3: Heritage Language Acquisition: Theories, Methodologies and Future Directions
Fatih Bayram – University of Reading, England
Abstract: Heritage language (HL) bilinguals are the children of immigrants who grow up speaking a minority home language that is not the dominant language in the larger community. HL bilinguals develop their first language (L1) under conditions of significantly reduced exposure to quality (and even quantity) of input as compared to monolinguals in native-home environment. What we know definitively is that adult outcomes of HL bilingualism diverge, on a continuum, from monolingual norms. In this line, the purpose of this course is to gain an understanding of the core issues pertaining to the study of heritage language development in childhood and outcomes of development and ultimate attainment in adulthood. In doing so, the course aims to cover:
. formal/theoretical approaches to HL acquisition;
. the domain(s) of inquiry in HL studies;
. methodological issues in the study of HL acquisition/processing;
. the role of L1 attrition in HL outcomes;
. the role of quality and quantity of input in HL development;
. the role of HL literacy and formal instruction in the development and maintenance of HL.
Fatih Bayram is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Reading. His research covers various types of child and adult bilingualism with a primary focus on heritage language bilinguals, a specific subtype of bilingual first language learners. His research uses online and offline psycholinguistic methods to study language (grammatical) development/acquisition in later childhood, outcomes of development in young adulthood (the state of grammatical competence achieved) and processing (the real time unfolding of the grammatical system) at all ages along the developmental continuum.
Seminar will be held in ENGLISH
Area 2: Terminology and Lexicography 
Course 1: Semantics in Terminology: the contribution of concept to the meaning of term
Christophe Roche – Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, France
Abstract: “There is no term without concept”. The concept is at the core of terminology, as recalls the 1087-1 ISO standard on terminology, which states that a term is a “designation of a general concept in a specific domain” [ISO 1087-1]. Hence, the definition of term is more a definition of thing (i.e. the definition of the concept denoted by the term), rather than a definition of word (in relation to the usages of the term in discourse).
It remains to define a theory of concept on which the theory of terminology can rely. Stated as extra-linguistic knowledge – a concept is not a matter of linguistics and must not be confused with the signified, however strongly interconnected a concept and a signified can be – the notion of concept raises several issues which will be studied in this course. Let us mention some of them: What is a concept? How can it be defined? In which language can it be expressed, since there is no knowledge without language? But terminology is also a matter of linguistics: a terminology is a “set of designations belonging to one special language” [ISO 1087-1]. It is the reason why this course will also study the relationships between the two dimensions, which compose every terminology: the linguistic one and the conceptual one. We will see the relationships between the name of a concept and a term, the definition of a concept written in an artificial (formal) language and the definition of a term written in a natural language, and from a more general point of view, the relationships between the category of thought and the category of language either natural or artificial. As terminologies are more and more involved in the Digital World, mainly for IT applications, e.g. for multilingual semantic information retrieval, information and knowledge management, computer-aided translation, etc. their conceptual systems must be computer readable. This is the reason why the last part of this course will be devoted to ontology in the sense of knowledge engineering, defined as a specification of a conceptualization expressed in a computer-readable language. Applied to terminology, ontology opens the way to ontoterminology, a new approach to conceptual terminology.
Christophe Roche is Full Professor at the University Savoie Mont-Blanc (France) and the Head of the Condillac International Research Group in “Terminology and Ontology”. He is also Researcher and Lecturer at the University NOVA of Lisbon (Portugal), as well as Special Appointment Professor at the University of Liaocheng (China). He has set up and participated in more than ten European Projects (Eurêka, FP 4, Interreg, Tempus, FP6, FP 7, H2020) and several Industrial Projects (Nuclear Plants, Human Resources, Cultural Heritage, etc.). Since 2007 he organises the International TOTh Conference (“Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications). He is also the Chairman of the AFNOR (The French Organization for Standardization) Commission on Terminology and the Project leader of the ISO 1087-1 and ISO 704 Standards on Terminology, vocabulary and principles.
Seminar will be held in ENGLISH
Course 2: Trends and advanced approaches in Lexicography
Teresa Lino, Raquel Amaro, Rute Costa – NOVA CLUNL, NOVA FCSH, Portugal
Abstract: Lexicography, in addition to being an autonomous discipline, has become a central discipline in numerous areas of knowledge, ranging from eHealth to Digital Humanities, passing through language teaching and base resources development for Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. Lexicography, which comprises scientific research on a corpus of words, reflects advances in Lexicology and Terminology, on the one hand, and metalexicographic concerns, including computer science and the analysis of the content of dictionaries and other lexical resources, on the other, providing a series of operative concepts and effective syntheses.
The seminar will have as fundamental objects: a) lexicography for communication in specialized contexts; b) lexicographic approaches and issues in relational and computational models of the lexicon: c) theories and methodologies of contemporary lexicography in different approaches: monolingual and bilingual lexicography, current and specialized language lexicography, mother-tongue, second or foreign language lexicography, and learning lexicography; d) lexicographic definition: description models of the lexicon.
Actual cases of lexicographic application will be presented throughout the seminar.
Teresa Lino is Full Professor at NOVA FCSH and Coordinator of the Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology Group of NOVA CLUNL. She lectures Lexicology and Lexicography, Terminology, and Specialized Corpora at graduate, post graduate and PhD courses, and coordinated the Portuguese Language and Culture for Foreigners courses of NOVA FCSH for many years. She has coordinated and participated in national and international projects on Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology, and on Portuguese specialized language teaching, in a foreign language for specific purposes optics. She has collaborated in several international research networks, is member of the Scientific Council of several Journals, and has been supervising Master and PhD theses, including in co-orientation and co-supervision with national and foreign universities. In 1996, she was awarded the title of “Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres” by the French Ministry of Culture, and in 2006 she received the “Prix Spécial de Terminologie Eugen Wüster”, by the University of Vienna, INFOTERM and UNESCO.
Raquel Amaro is Assistant Professor at NOVA FCSH since 2015. She was researcher at the Centre of Linguistics of the University of Lisbon from 1999 to 2015. She participated in several projects in Corpus Linguistics, Computational Lexical Semantics and Translation Technologies, from which we highlight SIMPLE, Reference Corpus of Contemporary Portuguese and WordNet.PT. She is member of the Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology group at NOVA CLUNL, where she works on Lexicology, Computational Lexical Semantics and Grammars, having collaborated with Lionbridge, Technologies Inc. and being member of two international COST Actions.
Rute Costa is an Associate Professor with tenure and with “Agregação” in Linguistics – Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology – at the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (NOVA FCSH). She is the Head of the Linguistics Research Centre of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – CLUNL. At NOVA FCSH, she is the scientific coordinator of the PhD Programme in Translation and Terminology. She is in charge of the Terminology seminars in the PhD Programme in Linguistics (Knowledge, Representation and Use) and of the specialization in Terminology and Management of Information for Special Purposes (Master in Linguistics). She is presently the national representative of the Instituto Português para a Qualidade (IPQ) at ISO TC 37. She is a member of ISO TC 37 “Language and Terminology” since 2000. She has been the chairwoman of the ISO/TC 37/SC 2 “Terminology workflow and language coding” since 2015. Until November 2016, she was convener of the ISO/TC 37/SC1 WG3 for the revision of the 704 and 1087 standards. She was previously the Training School Manager – COST Action IS1305: European Network of e Lexicography – ENeL – (2013 – 2017) and is currently affiliated with the European Lexicographic Infrastructure – ELEXIS – She was President of the European Association for Terminology (EAFT) between 2000 and 2006.
Seminar will be held in ENGLISH
Course 3: From Print to Screen: The Theory and Practice of Digitizing Dictionaries
Toma Tasovac – Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities, Serbia
This course will introduce the theory and practice of converting print dictionaries into electronic form as a basis for exploring broader questions about the very nature of dictionaries as both tools and cultural artifacts. We will study lexical data modeling, in general, and Text Encoding Initiative, in particular, as a way of representing complex dictionary structures. We will discuss the relationship between the structural encoding of dictionary data and the functionalities of electronic dictionaries. At the end of the course, the participants should have a fundamental understanding of how to analyze, identify and describe dictionary data in order to query it or share it with others.
Toma Tasovac is Director of the Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities (BCDH), National Coordinator of DARIAH-RS and Chair of the National Coordinators’ Committee at DARIAH-EU. His areas of interest include lexicography, data modeling, TEI, digital editions and research infrastructures. Toma serves on the Advisory Board of Europeana Research and CLARIN-DE/DARIAH-DE Technical Board. He was previously a Steering Group member of the European Network for eLexicography (ENeL), and is currently also affiliated with the European Lexicographic Infrastructure (ELEXIS).
Seminar will be held in ENGLISH
Area 3: Text and Discourse Linguistics
Course 1: La linguistique textuelle – et son application didactique
Lita Lundquist – Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Abstract: Dans le cours, nous traiterons la question du bien-fondé et la raison d’être de la linguistique textuelle; nous examinerons différents modèles textuels, des plus traditionnels (structuraux) aux plus récents (procéduraux); nous aborderons la perspective comparative de la linguistique textuelle, en comparant comment la cohérence textuelle se réalise linguistiquement en deux langues différentes (L1 et L2); nous montrerons comment le textuel s’ouvre sur le cognitif et le culturel ; et finalement nous discuterons l’application de la linguistique textuelle à l’analyse et à l’enseignement des langues (étrangères).
(Le cours se fera en français – avec éventuellement de petites digressions en anglais.)
Lita Lundquist est professeur émérite à la Copenhagen Business School, où elle s’est occupée – dans la recherche autant que dans l’enseignement – de la linguistique textuelle, qu’elle a introduite en Scandinavie, et partiellement en France, dans les années 1980, et développée continuellement depuis. Dans ses publications, elle décrit des modèles textuels généraux, explique des phénomènes particuliers de cohérence textuelle, et combine recherche et enseignement dans une didactique de langue étrangère.
Seminar will be held in FRENCH
Course 2: Textes, formats, supports: une approche sémiolinguistique
Rossana De Angelis – Université Paris-Est Créteil, Laboratoire Céditec, France
Abstract: Qu’est-ce qu’on fait quand on interprète un texte ? En partant du concept sémiotique d’interprétation et des approches aux textes linguistiques telles que proposées par François Rastier et Umberto Eco, nous allons intégrer au fur et à mesure dans notre réflexion le rapport que chaque texte entretient avec le format et le support par lesquels il se présente. Nous allons nous pencher premièrement sur des exemples de textes imprimés, deuxièmement sur des exemples de textes numériques. Nous allons ainsi montrer comment une approche herméneutique puisse compléter cette perspective, pour enfin terminer sur ce qu’on identifie comme “herméneutique numérique”, une approche aux textes numériques qui est en train de chercher sa place dans le panorama actuel des sciences du langage.
Rossana De Angelis est Maitre de Conférences en Sciences du langage à l’Université Paris-Est Créteil et membre du Laboratoire Céditec. Ses recherches se développent selon trois volets: les approches linguistiques et sémiotiques dans l’analyse des textes écrits; les pratiques de l’écriture et de l’édition, selon les formats traditionnels et numériques; l’histoire et l’épistémologie des sciences du langage. Elle est lauréate du Prix Vittorio Sainati 2013 décerné par les Editions ETS. Ces recherches sur les principales théories du texte contemporaines ont été publiées dans l’ouvrage Il testo conteso (ETS, Pise, 2014). Elle enseigne les théories et les pratiques du texte et de l’écriture.
Seminar will be held in FRENCH
Course 3: Texte, connaissance et action: théories et pratiques
Antónia Coutinho, Matilde Gonçalves, Audria Leal – NOVA CLUNL, NOVA FCSH, FCT, Portugal
Abstract: Ce cours se propose d’approfondir une approche praxéologique et épistémique des textes, en analysant (i) le rapport entre activités sociales et genres de textes; (ii) le rôle joué par les ressources linguistiques et multimodales engagées dans l’élaboration de connaissances et le développement de l’action, dans des textes associés à différentes activités.
Antónia Coutinho enseigne à l’Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Professeure Associée, Département de Linguistique) et développe sa recherche dans le cadre du CLUNL – Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Docteure en Linguistique – domaine de spécialisation en Théorie du Texte, elle privilégie dans ses travaux le cadre théorique et épistémologique de l’interactionnisme socio-discursif et s’intéresse aux enjeux praxéologiques, épistémiques et didactiques du fonctionnement des textes et des discours.
Audria Leal: Membre du Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (CLUNL), Audria Leal est titulaire d’un doctorat en Linguistique – Théorie du texte et développe actuellement sa recherche dans le cadre d’une bourse postdoctorale (FCT). Ses publications privilégient la description de textes multimodaux, en s’appuyant sur le cadre théorique et épistémologique de l’interactionnisme socio-discursif, aussi bien que sur les contributions de la sémantique énonciative et de la sémiotique sociale.
Matilde Gonçalves a obtenu un doctorat en cotutelle : Linguistique – Théorie du Texte, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa; Etudes Portugaises, Université Paris 8. Chercheuse du Centro de Linguística da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (CLUNL), elle travaille dans le domaine de la linguistique du texte et du discours, en particulier dans le cadre de l’interactionnisme socio-discursif et de la sémantique textuelle. Ses publications, au Portugal et à l’étranger, abordent les genres numériques, les rapports entre activités, genres et textes, la construction de la connaissance et littératie scientifique.
Seminar will be held in FRENCH
This edition will include, on 7th July, the XIII Forum for Linguistic Sharing, organized by the Young Researchers Group of the Linguistics Research Centre of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.
In order to participate in the Forum, please submit your abstract here.
Paper submission deadline: 15th April | Extended deadline: 30th April
2-6 July | |||
9:30am-12:30pm | Philippe Prévost | Christophe Roche | Lita Lundquist |
2:00pm-5:00pm | Ludovico Franco | Teresa Lino Raquel Amaro Rute Costa |
Rossana De Angelis |
5:30pm-8:30pm | Fatih Bayram | Toma Tosavac | Antónia Coutinho Matilde Gonçalves Audria Leal |
The Lisbon Summer School in Linguistics will take place at NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, at Avenida de Berna, 26 C, 1069-061, Lisboa, Portugal.
Students enrolled in Doctoral Programme in Linguistics at NOVA FCSH: FREE
Students enrolled in any Doctoral Programme at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa: 1st course: FREE; other courses: 50€ each
General public:
Registration in a single course: 90 €;
Registration in 2 courses: 120€;
Registration in 3 courses: 150€.
NOTE: Special payment conditions for participants covered by protocols with NOVA FCSH (to be defined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the protocol). For additional information, please contact:
Fill out the form available here.
By bank transfer to:
IBAN PT50 0781 0112 0000 0006 39980.
Please note that the registration will be validated only after sending the proof of payment to
Check the following links for accommodation in Lisbon: