New publication: ex æquo n. 49 | 2024

Antónia Coutinho, researcher and coordinator of the G&T group at CLUNL, is one of the editors of the dossier ‘Language and Gender: Perspectives and Challenges’ in the most recent issue of the journal ex æquo (journal of the Portuguese Women’s Studies Association).

Co-edited with Gabriele Diewald and María Muelas-Gil, this issue is available in Open Access at the following address:

The introduction to the dossier can be found at:


  • Coutinho, Antónia; Diewald, Gabriele; Muelas-Gil, Marías (2024). ex æquo, 49 [dossier: “Linguagem e género: perspectivas e desafios | Language and Gender: Perspectives and Challenges”]. eISSN 2184-0385. Available at: