
The MorDigital project team was present at the 13th International Conference for Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (ICHLL 2023), Salerno, (...)
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The most recent issue of the journal Linha D'Água, entitled “Estudos em Gramática, Texto e Discurso" (Studies in Grammar, Text and Discourse), is (...)
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The Romance Turn 11 conference, which brings together researchers in Romance language acquisition every two years, took place between September 19th (...)
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The 32nd Conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA) is being hosted at the University of Birmingham from 30 August to 2 (...)
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Yolanda Xavier, PhD student at CLUNL, was awarded the Junior Researcher LAB Award for the most promising doctoral project presented at the 32nd (...)
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We invite applications for 1 Research Fellowship under the scientific collaboration agreement between Tübingen University and the Linguistics (...)
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