
The Professor Elis Cardoso (Associate Professor at the University of São Paulo, Brazil) will held a conference at NOVA FCSH at the invitation (...)
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Elena Lombardo, research grant holder in the Grammar & Text group, with FCT/MCTES funding, collaborates in the update of "BILP (...)
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Bruna Bragança, research grant holder, collaborates in the Formal and Experimental Linguistics group (LiFE) under the supervision of Maria Lobo, (...)
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Sílvia Barbosa, research grant holder, collaborates in the project "European Portuguese-Standard Arabic Dictionary" under the supervision of (...)
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João Carrilho, research grant holder, collaborates in the Grammar & Text group under the supervision of Matilde Gonçalves, with FCT/MCTES (...)
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Adeliana Silva, research grant holder, collaborates in the project "Portuguese Literature Corpus for Distant Reading" under the supervision of (...)
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