
Ana de Castro Salgado (researcher at the LLT - Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology group of CLUNL) was one of the five lucky winners of the (...)
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Adeliana Silva, master student in Language Sciences (specialization area in Terminology) and collaborator of the LLT group at CLUNL, was chosen to (...)
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Professor Álvaro Caretta (Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil) will lecture the conference Abordagem dialógico-discursiva da canção: (...)
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The conference by Professor Cristóbal Lozano on Corpora and SLA: Introducing CEDEL2 (corpus escrito del español como L2) was held yesterday, (...)
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The G&T - Grammar & Text Group of the Linguistics Research Centre of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa is organising the 18th Work(shop) on (...)
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Rute Rosa, PhD grant holder and researcher at the Grammar & Text group of CLUNL, will actively participate in the IV Jornadas (...)
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