
Between 25th of February and 1st of March, NOVA CLUNL hosted Professor Teresa Ortego Antón, Assistant Professor at Universidad de Valladolid, (...)
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Today, 18th of February 2019, starts the Elexis Standards Committee Meeting Vienna - Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften NOVA CLUNL is (...)
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Sara Carvalho and Ana Salgado, researchers at the Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology Group of NOVA CLUNL, will participate in the course (...)
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The Young Researchers Group of NOVA CLUNL is pleased to announce the XIV Forum for Linguistic Sharing, which will take place at School of Social (...)
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Ana Salgado, researcher at Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology Group of NOVA CLUNL and coordinator of the new edition of the Dicionário da (...)
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The Grammar & Text Group of Linguistics Research Centre of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (CLUNL) is pleased to announce that GRATO 2019 – (...)
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