
Práticas Textuais 18|19 aims to present the work carried out within the scope of two course units – "Práticas Textuais" (Textual Practices) and (...)
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Antónia Estrela, researcher at LiFE - Formal and Experimental Linguistics research group of CLUNL, collaborated with Otília Costa e Sousa, (...)
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New published article of researcher Noémia Jorge, in collaboration with Maria Vitória de Sousa and Filomena Viegas, at Palavras journal: Jorge, (...)
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Miriam Aguilar will defend the Doctoral Thesis "On Pseudorelatives and Human Sentence Parsing" on Linguistics, specialization area Psicolinguistics, (...)
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On 22nd of July, the Brazilian Linguistics Association (Abralin) organizes a broadcast on "Aquisição da Linguagem e a Linguística Cognitiva: que (...)
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CLUNL welcomes applications for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF-2020) The Linguistics Research Centre of NOVA University (...)
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