
Maria Antónia Coutinho is an invited speaker at the III Jornada do GEPLA with the lecture Contribuições do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo para as (...)
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NOVA CLUNL welcomes Juliano Sippel within the development of his PhD in Linguistics, specialization area Linguistics and Language Teaching, at NOVA (...)
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NOVA CLUNL welcomes Juliano Sippel within the development of his PhD on Linguistics, specialization area Linguistics and Language Teaching at NOVA (...)
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Three researchers of NOVA CLUNL obtained funding to develop their PhD projects through the 2020 Call for PhD Research Scholarships of Portuguese (...)
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NOVA CLUNL welcomes Ronan Pereira within the development of his PhD in Linguistics, specialization area Psycholinguistics, at NOVA FCSH – School (...)
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Joana Batalha signed contract with Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) as Principal Investigator of the project "Language and (...)
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