
CLUNL welcomes Carolina Silva Carolina is a student in the Integrated Master in Biomedical Engineering at NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT (...)
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The research group Grammar & Text of CLUNL is pleased to announce the publication of the WGT working papers: Voltar a falar em Gramática & (...)
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Ronan Pereira, researcher at LiFE group of CLUNL, assina o artigo "Formalidade e pronomes de segunda pessoa do singular no português gaúcho: dados (...)
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The Grammar & Text research group of CLUNL invites you to participate in the Discussion Group "Entre Textos: Diálogos transatlânticos em (...)
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On March 27, 2021, the Brazilian Linguistics Association (Abralin) organizes a videoconference on "Sociolinguística e interfaces: Morfossintaxe, (...)
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CLUNL makes available to the public the corpus MIGRANTEPT, an European Portuguese corpus for specific purposes with around 1,5 million tokens of (...)
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