
Helena Topa Valentim, researcher at Grammar & Text group of NOVA CLUNL, is the scientific and pedagogical reviewer for Marca a Página, a new (...)
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Lancaster University and NOVA University Lisbon invite you to the second session of NOVA Lancaster seminar series: "Digital futures and global (...)
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Rute Costa and Raquel Amaro, researchers at NOVA CLUNL, represent NOVA University Lisbon in the project “Humanities Going Digital” (HUGOD), (...)
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Camões, IP announces today, World Portuguese Language Day, the 2nd edition of the summer course on Portuguese Language and Culture, as part of the (...)
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Susana Duarte Martins will present the paper "Novo Acordo Ortográfico do Português: Factos e Mitos" (New Portuguese Orthographic Agreement: Facts (...)
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Enrollment period to Escola de Verão / Summer School (EV) NOVA FCSH Organized by Centro Luís Krus – Formação ao Longo da Vida, EV is an (...)
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